Our Favourite beauty moments from Met Gala 2024
Showstopping beauty moments from fashion Monday

Travel Beauty Blast #11 with Ashley Scott
Ashley Scott shares top beauty travel must-haves.

Beauty Blast #10
Nancy Johnson-Hunt shares her must-haves for our 10th installment of Beauty Blast.
I hope you enjoy it <3

Beauty Blast #9
Our new contributing editor, Emily Algar shares her must-haves for our 9th instalment of Beauty Blast. She walks, talks, breathes beauty.
I hope you enjoy it <3

Beauty Blast #8
I’m baaaack. Beauty Blast #8 is here. Everything I’ve included below is actually worth your hard-earned money. I vouch for everything below. You can hold me accountable.
As always, let’s blast.

Beauty Blast #7
A month or so ago, I fell over one night. Only God knows whether I tripped over my shoelace or my personality.
I was out one night. Laughing. The next thing I remember, I was in bed eating McDonald's (double cheeseburger combo with a splash of mayo and diet coke - hold the ice) with a sharp pain on my chin. A few moments later, I let out the gayest scream I could muster when I saw my chin all slashed up.
Just look at the mess I created.

Top twelve Aotearoa beauty brands we love
Aotearoa is home to an impressive line-up of beauty entrepreneurs. In our top twelve list we revisit the homegrown classics as well as new and noteworthy brands that deserve a spot in our makeup bags and bathroom shelves.

Liam Sharma’s sexy shower essentials
There’s something so sensual about a decadent shower ritual. Coming home from the beach, when you’ve basked in the sweltering sun for maybe too long, or when you’ve had a miserable day and everything’s cooked and nothing’s gone right. All you can count on is a five-minute piping hot shower to drown your sorrows and forget about everything for a minute as the water encompasses every inch of you.

Welcome to the season of elevated gift giving with Glasshouse Fragrances
The Colour of Christmas is their latest collection; an offering of timeless scents wrapped in vibrant, festive red packaging with all the trimmings.

Skincare products you actually need right now
If you’re looking for a new sexy product to soothe your pandemic blues, you might just find it here. You have my word; this carefully curated selection of potions, lotions, elixirs, creams, hell, even mouthwash is everything you need and nothing you don’t. Without further adieu, let’s…. fucking….blast.

Beauty Blast #6
About 30 or so minutes ago, I abruptly realised I’ve now been locked up for three weeks. I have my own apartment, which is dope but deadly. I’m the perfect toxic mixture of an introvert-extrovert, so I’m constantly battling the lockdown slump (borderline claustrophobia) or weirdly feeling quite cosy.
Right now, all I really have is myself and my beauty products. That’s it. I’m not at the point where I will start colour coordinating them or murmuring to them; that’s likely to come soon. I haven’t written a beauty blast in like five or so months, so this should be beautifully disappointing.
As always, let’s blast.

Beauty Blast #5
I want to pull the curtain open on beauty writing briefly.
Beauty journalists don’t just magically have a gazillion products in their vanity. Beauty journalists get paid piss poor, except for a rare few; there is no way we could afford it all without a loyal trust fund or the generosity from brands trying to peddle. Being a beauty writer is really not as glamorous as one would expect – that’s why I never wanted to pursue it as a full-time occupation. I do it because I love it, and I also fancy a shit tonne of free product.

The superfood for your face
It’s not every day we put out sponsored content. There is nothing more I disdain than publications who plug paid pieces like it’s raining money. Each day it’s a new hook, a new product, a new something which is always nothing. But I get it. People need booze, dosh, money for the slots, some sweets in the pantry. I guess, for me anyway, the area between editorial and advertorial is so ambiguous, it’s grey, translucent like some of your favourite gels, it’s undefined and completely rogue. No matter how much the ASA has tried to slap down their phantom fists.
But on the flip side. Websites aren’t complimentary, my sugar daddy is on hiatus, and someone has got to keep the lights on. So, over the last few months, Sauce has been working on a couple of projects that sing true to us, that feels right, that doesn’t make me want to set my hair on fire.
The Avo Tree came into our lives at the perfect time.

Beauty Blast #4
These last few months have been rude. Almost devastating. The great thing about our readers is they (often) kindly extend their attention to our personal Instagrams, so a lot of you will know what happened to my face.
Do you know what I mean?

Beauty Blast #3
It’s actually ironic that I am typing this out today, my face looks like a dumpster. My birthday was last week and the booze is still seeping out of my pores six days later. I literally can’t believe this, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror before and I nearly passed out. Kate, my beautiful beauty therapist and I have been separated because of bloody COVID-19. Jacinda clearly doesn’t give a crap about my skin’s essential needs, which is fine but I am breaking out like a teenager pre-Accutane. I guess everyone has a breaking point, and mine is six bottles of cheap bubbles over two days. Whatever, like a phoenix, I will rise from the ashes of my crusty, inflamed, pimply epidermis.

Beauty Blast #2
I’m in an extra reasonable mood this week, I just got over the man flu. Big ups to Liam. The response from our Beauty Blast #1 was fantastic, honestly, bless you all. It’s made me, almost, want to do one of these every two weeks, I’ll fail miserably in my pursuit for supreme efficiency. Why? Because I’m lazy, I overpromise and under-deliver, constantly!! But I do it with luminous, glowy skin. So shhhhhh.

Beauty Blast #1
Zeenat and I have been speaking about beauty content in general, about how bloody boring it can be. So, we’ve decided that I am going to write about beauty differently. Obviously I’ve tried all the below products, I’ve emptied them or I’ve chucked them. This is real, this is my honest opinion. I think that’s only fair. I’ve been ruthlessly honest about everything everywhere else – so why would I skimp on the topic I love the most, skincare.

Meet the founders behind the world’s first crowdsourced beauty brand - Volition Beauty
We chat all things entrepreneurship, overcoming roadblocks, friendship in business and how Volition Beauty launched its crowdsourcing initiative.

LIAM SHARMA: White Mercedes-Benz, VSCO filters & cooked concerts. We need to talk about Arbonne
I don’t even know where to begin

Liam Sharma’s ultimate summer beauty guide
I’m a reborn sun baby