How I let bulimia swallow me whole — Sonya Prior
There is this almost out of body push and pull of ‘I don’t know what I’m doing’ versus ‘I know exactly what I’m doing’. My head warms, my eyes blur and it’s as if all the fragmented versions of myself crash into one another, fighting and flailing against themselves until I choose what to do next. It happened whilst I typed this.
High school reunions don’t matter
This may be controversial. You can agree with me, or think I’m being ridiculous but honestly, I don’t understand why people care about high school reunions.
The generous gift of receiving
I used to think that generosity only came from giving. Donating, volunteering, even little things like shouting friends coffees. But a recent relationship challenged me to address my relationship with receiving. Awkward. Yuck. Uncomfortable. Why?
It happened again, I burnt myself out.
I knew it was coming. I could feel it slithering up the back of my throat. It’s not acid reflux; it’s the consequences of my own decisions. It’s burnout.
Breaking up with Borderline – Hannah Stehlin
The process of getting diagnosed with BPD was particularly long for me. A number of health professionals played musical chairs with various SSRI's and disorders and even at one point, concluded that there was actually no mental illness present at all. Finally the very sheer curtain of 'high functioning' was drawn, leaving behind a diagnosis, a pharmaceutical power couple and a clinical psychologist. Lucky me. No really, fucking lucky me.
My sweaty life. No that’s not highlighter, it’s just my perspiration.
Ever since Wild Child came out in 2008 and Poppy Moore (Emma Roberts) quipped to Harriet “we have ourselves a SULA. Sweaty, upper, lip alert.” I haven’t been able to stop thinking about my sweating. Up until this point, I’d never considered that my sweat was abnormal.
The not so sustainable truth behind op-shopping
It’s no news flash that conversations around fashion sustainability are becoming a firm fixture in our zeitgeist. They’ve moved from sidelined conversations to main headlines, splashed centrefolds in digital magazines. The question, “where did you get that from?” is more loaded than ever.
Meet May Fair
May Fair is reimagining the traditional art fair model. Originally scheduled to launch in the flesh of April 2020, May Fair’s plans were derailed by the global pandemic, forcing the fair’s facilitators back to the drawing board. May Fair Online was born.
We chat with May Fair facilitator, Ophelia King.
Why I won’t shut up about Lily Allen & codependency
I can’t get Lily Allen out of my head. I just devoured her book, and I have so much to say, I’m about to spew it all over my shiny new Macbook Air. Did you know this razor-thin gadget set me back like $2500.00; the fuck?
We need to talk about Conversion Therapy
From the Homosexual Reform of 1986 to Marriage Equality in 2013, queer people have devoted decades of activism to queer liberation. Yet, there are still many obstacles in the New Zealand system blocking our human rights from becoming our human reality. An outsider would easily describe New Zealand as one of the best countries in the world to be queer - from outside New Zealand looks like the queer utopia.
Confessions of a consumerist
A frequent conundrum for the modern day semi adult is whether to spend or save. Dinners (not for you, Melbourne), dalliances and donning the latest garments off the racks of Instagram’s elite allows us to justify haemorrhaging the cash we’re trying to stash away. But at what darker cost?
I attempted Simone Anderson’s Lockdown Cleaning Challenge and I learnt a life lesson
I am endlessly fascinated by social media personalities, it’s hard not to be…
Your Essential Lockdown Guide: 10 things to read, watch, listen & eat this week
Let’s be honest, 2020 forced us all into submission, including yours truly. I’ve felt it all: melancholia, lethargy and procrastination, lots of it. It’s still pretty hard to believe that this is our reality now and that we only have four months to make this mare of a year suck a bit less. I mean, no pressure…
Why single-use plastic takeaways make me sick
When the average human being leaves their home, they take the essentials. Wallet. Keys. Cell phone. Maybe a snack for the road or a spare cardigan, just in case. When I leave my home, it looks a little different. Wallet. Keys (if I’m not on my bike). Cell phone. Definitely a snack for the road, always an extra cardigan because I live in Auckland after all, but what’s that clinking in my designer tote bag? A reusable drink bottle, a collapsible coffee cup, a stainless steel takeaway container, bamboo cutlery set for me, spare cutlery set for him, cute cloth napkins your nana probably used to own, and since you’re wondering: sometimes the kitchen sink.
How to handle a Redundancy
Work-life is tough at the moment. It might be about to get tougher with wage subsidies and other goodies about to be cut.
If you're not already part of a business that's restructured or soon to be, there's news all around that the economy is about to take a dive and potentially rob us of our jobs, our clients, our sales and business dreams.
It’s a scary old world, but (and there’s always a but) I’ve been inspired by some of the downright amazing businesses and people out there. People, places, and companies have been pivoting all over the place - they’re adapting and showing the world just how resilient they can be.
25 to Life
I’ve just spent the past weekend catching stars with my best friend, I watched the sunrise and rudely fall over and over again, I almost lost count.
I’m 25 today and I’ve spent the entire day watching paparazzi videos of washed-up celebrities on YouTube, it’s been amazing.
I’m a proud Leo, purrrrrr, every day is about me, so today’s inevitable lockdown casualty hasn’t really upset me. I turned my phone off and patiently waited until I could scrape together enough energy to get this off my chest.
The art of ghosting
I’m a serial ghoster, I have also cried enough to overflow a Great Barrier water tank because low-grade, weasels have ghosted me. I guess, it comes hand in hand when you’re actively dating. Sometimes dating claps you right back in the face – good thing I wear several thick moisturisers because ghosting is ruthless.
Sauce x Mumm Giveaway
In partnership with G.H.Mumm
An open letter on stripping
I’ll be honest, this is my first time writing anything with the intention of getting it published. And I am beyond ecstatic that it is about something I have fallen in love with, dancing, otherwise known as stripping.
I have had two surgical abortions, the first at 22 and the second at 26. In many ways I think I tried to ignore the reality of the first pregnancy and its subsequent termination and that is the way it somewhat remains to this day. There wasn’t a shred of doubt in my decision the first time around.