November Horoscope
The next few weeks hold the potential for a lot of personal growth, creativity, and positive change.
The eclipses that occurred through October stirred up a lot of change. Perhaps you felt a transformation within your relationships, your work, your sense of identity, your values or your lifestyle. You are not the same person who walked into the eclipse season and that is by design.
As the dust begins to settle this month, you will feel a greater sense of stability and autonomy. Any revelations, ideas, or questions that arose in your mind are ready to be actioned and and answered. Any seeds of intention you planted are ready to blossom.
Your intuition will be heightened so it’s important to trust your inner voice as you go about the next few weeks.
Image : Middle Eastern Archive
Key Dates
4th November Saturn stations direct in Pisces
This transit is about taking responsibility for your big life decisions. Since June there has been a period of reflecting and you might have become aware of past decisions that did not serve you As Saturn moves forward, it is time to implement healthier boundaries, remove self-sabotaging behaviours, and trust your inner knowing.
13th November New Moon in Scorpio
This new moon invites you to go deep. If you have been coasting along the surface of something, avoiding a conversation, suppressing a certain feeling, or distracting yourself from what’s most important - this new moon provides the encouragement and bravery to really go there. Have confidence in yourself to do the difficult thing and set intentions for the month ahead that feel challenging, yet intuitively right.
23rd November Sagittarius Season begins
Sagittarius is a fire sign so you can expect to feel an injection of energy, passion, curiosity, and optimism. This season may bring about new romantic engagements or a spark may be reignited within your existing relationships. It is a season to fall in love with your life, with the people in it, and with the work you are committed to.
27th November Full Moon in Gemini
This full moon is about celebrating how far you have come. Where have you overcome challenges this year? What new ways of thinking have you adopted? What are you inspired to change moving forward? Your words hold a lot of power so write down or speak aloud positive affirmations, personal intentions, and messages of gratitude to attract more prosperity and joy into your life.
This month is all about cultivating true intimacy within your relationships. Who do you want to foster more emotional intimacy with? Who do you want to foster more physical intimacy with? Your relationships are ready to evolve, and this might require you to become more vulnerable. Be prepared to encounter possessive or controlling behaviours that may arise in yourself and others over the next few weeks. Ensure you feel internally secure. It's a beautiful time for healing and resetting your inner world, so you can experience a greater sense of empowerment. There will be opportunities to explore your past traumas and old belief systems if you're willing to face your shadows. When making significant decisions, you might notice the chatter in your mind getting very loud. It's important to breathe and pay attention to what your body is guiding you to do. Spend some time in your own energy field. When you step away from your busy schedule, and unplug from your devices, and the noise of others, you have greater access to your inner voice. As the month progresses, you'll receive clues about your purpose and likely some beautiful visions of your future. Be prepared for your overall life direction to shift. Anything that was confusing earlier in the year will start to make sense this month. Trust what your third eye is showing you. Most importantly, this month, you'll start to understand the value of self-love in the context of all your relationships.
This month is a wonderful time for reflection. Look back on the year so far; what significant transformations have shaped who you are today? Consider both internal and external changes. Big decisions are on the horizon in your close partnerships, whether in a business or romantic context. Ensure you maintain an open dialogue with the people involved in these decisions. Vulnerability is crucial in all your conversations this month. Is there something you're suppressing or not saying due to fear, shame, or guilt? Find the courage to voice these topics and bring them into the light. This can be a difficult yet rewarding process that ultimately strengthens your connection with others and liberates you from your own pain. People will be eager to invest in your growth this month. Take notice of any unconscious walls you might have erected and work on your ability to receive with grace. Since June of this year, you may have had significant realisations about what you value in friendships and community, as well as the boundaries needed to protect your mental and emotional well-being. Consider your future and set long-term goals, especially related to business and family. Create a vision board or write about your future as though it has already happened. At the end of the month, expect to feel a surge of creative inspiration. Under the full moon, release what does not bring you peace and welcome a fresh sense of vitality.
This month is all about reinvigorating your routine. Certain aspects of your life have reached closure or completion, and new beginnings are emerging. You'll be adopting a fresh outlook on life, work, and your daily relationships. Ask yourself what feels important to you at the moment. What attitude do you want to apply to your everyday life? What small or significant changes can you make to direct your energy and attention to what matters most? Be intentional with any spare time you have this month. If you notice yourself falling into old, unhelpful patterns of thinking or behavior, ask yourself what you're trying to distract yourself from. Carve out time to address difficult feelings when they arise instead of slipping into a pattern of distraction. Expect forward motion in your career this month. Listen to your intuition and trust yourself with the actions you need to take. Later in the month, the focus shifts to relationships. New people will enter your life, and changes will occur within your existing relationships. Nurture the connections that feel supportive and allow you to grow. Reflect on what you've learned about relationships this year, especially in the romantic context. The month concludes with a full moon in your sign. It is time to celebrate the brave decisions you've made this year, especially the moments when you've taken accountability for your situation and advocated for yourself and your needs. Reflect on the challenges you've overcome and the new heights you're willing to embark upon.
This month, it is important to approach life gently. Move at your own pace, and give yourself permission to prioritise your needs. You might find solace in spending more time at home or in familiar places. This is a time for reflection, connecting with your past, and healing your inner child. Healing is a nonlinear journey, so be patient with yourself if there are wounds that require your attention. As the month unfolds, you'll gradually feel more in tune with your true self. Deepening your connection with yourself will spark newfound motivation, making it an excellent time to adjust your daily habits and routines. Consider crafting a plan for the coming year, especially as Saturn stations direct this month. Consider the lessons you have learned; both spiritual and practical. Pay attention to the experiences and people naturally crossing your path. What feels easy? What feels challenging? What is the Universe teaching you? As you confront difficult situations, your inner confidence will be strengthened. You may feel a calling to travel or begin planning for future trips later in the month. Your mind will crave stimulation. Exploring new places can expand your horizons and offer fresh perspectives. The full moon presents an ideal time for introspection and meditation. Remember that all the answers you seek lie within you. Jot down any questions or uncertainties that you have and trust that your subconscious will reveal the answers in time.
This month, you'll experience a deep appreciation for your home, family, and your past. Old memories may resurface, surprising you and evoking feelings of sentimentality and nostalgia. Connecting with the past can be both challenging and joyful, offering motivation and self-reflection. Allow yourself to connect with past versions of yourself and acknowledge how much you've grown. With Saturn shifting direct, you'll begin to make sense of any challenging or confusing experiences from the past few months. It's essential to let yourself be vulnerable and embrace the wide range of emotions and sensations that arise. There is no point in suppressing your feelings, as that resistance only creates more pain. When you let your walls come down within your relationships, you can reach new depths of connection. Allow yourself to be seen by those you trust, and express gratitude to those you feel safe around. Later in the month is your time to shine. Expect an outpouring of love and attention from your inner circle. You may also feel new passions arising, have fresh ideas, or even discover new romantic interests. It is a perfect time to be playful, and experimental, and approach life with a lighthearted attitude. The full moon illuminates your big dreams. Use this time to set meaningful goals for yourself. There's no need to compete with anyone or prove anything to anyone. Instead, focus on proving your old limiting beliefs wrong and dare to dream big.
This month revitalises your friendships and your sense of community. Trust your intuition and reach out to people when you feel the urge. Don't underestimate the power of technology and social media when it comes to fostering new connections. It can be as simple as starting a conversation. You may also find that your relationship with your siblings receives special attention this month. As you reconnect with people from your past, you will build a lot of self-awareness. Whether you're spending time with family or reconnecting with old partners or friends, pay attention to the patterns that show up. While it's easy to slip into old ways of thinking and behaving, you can view it as a challenge to override those tendencies and approach familiar situations with a fresh perspective. The more adept you are at spotting your own behavioural patterns, the easier it is to interrupt and change them. This month involves a lot of learning and growth. Reflect on how your values within relationships have changed over the past few months. Consider the action steps you can take to strengthen and nurture positive relationships in your life and advocate for your needs along the way. The full moon is a perfect time to celebrate your achievements and set new goals, especially as it relates to your work and life mission. Remember, the more you love your own decisions, the less you'll need others to love them.
This month is a great time to use your voice for good. If you have a message you want to share with the world, you are empowered to do so. Don’t doubt the positive impact you can have on others when you are being true to yourself. You must also use your voice to express your innermost desires and needs to people in your inner circle. Your intuition will guide you when it’s the right time to share. This month is will provide you with opportunities to connect with kindred spirits. Serendipitous encounters await, and you'll find points of connection in the most unlikely scenarios. Embrace the variety of people you cross paths with and watch for any themes that emerge. Dynamics within your friendships and romantic connections are likely to evolve this month. Use this opportunity to assess your attachment styles and take measures to ensure you feel secure in all of your relationships. Focus on the people and environments that support your positive self-image. Since June, you have gained new insights about your body and physical health. November is an ideal time for acting on that knowledge and caring for your physical body so that you can truly thrive long-term. The full moon provides a perfect time for reflection. Consider what has changed over the course of the month. What have you learned? What memories have you made? What has your relationship with yourself been like? Journaling will help you to make sense of your thoughts and feelings.
Personal power will be a big theme over the next year and a half, and this month really sets the tone. Your power in various situations depends on your deep belief in and trust in yourself. Use practices like affirmations, personal pep talks, and meditation to remind yourself of your inherent strength. Reflect on the past few months. Have you allowed yourself to be fully seen? If not, what aspects of yourself have you hidden? What fears arise when you think about revealing these hidden facets? It is part of your charm to be somewhat mysterious and you need not share everything with everyone, but embracing self-acceptance and the power of vulnerability, especially with those you trust, can liberate you from fear and shame. The latter part of the month is a great time to shift your focus to finances, income streams, and how you can contribute value to the world. Don't shy away from financial matters. Examine your relationship with money and initiate any necessary healing The full moon is a lovely time to embrace imperfections and gain clarity. See the beauty in your wounds and acknowledge the lessons you have learned through adversity. Just like putting pieces of a puzzle into place, you will begin to see meaning emerge from any messiness you’ve experienced. Difficult or challenging scenarios will start to make sense. Look out for the signs you are given along the way. Reflect, practice self-love, and make strides toward a more confident, fulfilled you.
This month offers a special opportunity to connect with your heart. What does it mean to truly connect with your heart? Find your answer. It might be as simple as focusing on the physical space in your chest or feeling the gentle pulse of your heart throughout your body. On an energetic level, your heart can be your guide. It opens, expands, softens, and loves. This month is all about approaching your relationships, work, and daily activities with love. At the start of the month, it is all about building solid foundations. What provides you with a sense of security? This might mean directing your attention to your home and family. Solid foundations will allow you to feel confident and self-assured as you venture out into the world. Contemplate the next 12-18 months of your life. What aspirations do you hold? What impact do you wish to make on your community? What experiences do you want to embrace? You might discover that your preferences have evolved, and your sense of direction is due for a complete refresh. Instead of being overwhelmed by change, embrace your innate desire for adventure and get excited about exploring new opportunities. This month is an ideal time to experiment with fresh approaches to life. You might explore new ideas and philosophies. Keep others informed of any upcoming changes you plan to make. Under the full moon, you will gain clarity on your desires within romantic partnerships and how you want to show up.
This month is a highly social time, offering you the opportunity to connect with a wide group of people. What message do you wish to share with your broader community? What impact do you intend to make? You can be very influential so approach your relationships and work mindfully. Your actions speak louder than words, so be ready to walk the walk. It is a good time to reflect on the past year and how you have grown as a person. What kind of people have you connected with? What conversations have you been engaged in? What new places have you explored? What new experiences have you had? How have your priorities changed? Resist becoming entangled in minor details this month. Zoom out and view things from a broader perspective. While the desire to control and plan may be tempting, there's a level of surrender required. Remember nature never hurries, yet everything is accomplished. Surrendering some control will allow your life to flow with greater ease and enjoyment. In the latter part of the month, you need to balance social time and self-care. Practices like meditation, rest, and spending time in nature serve as effective ways to reconnect inward and recharge. Be mindful if you start to feel overwhelmed by the "end-of-year rush." In those moments when you may believe there's not enough time, it becomes even more crucial to make room for downtime. Focus on integrating daily practices that soothe your nervous system.
This month is an ideal time to reflect on your purpose in this world. Remember, purpose isn't confined simply to a career. It traverses across every area of your life and it evolves just as you do. In this chapter of your life, what ignites your passion? Where do your time and energy find the best use? What unique gifts do you have to share with the world? Under the new moon, set beautiful intentions for the next six months, both personal and professional. Your dreams need not be postponed. You are deserving of abundance and joy in the now. Pursue it, open yourself to it, and believe it's possible. Your environment and the people within it directly influence your energy, and you may find yourself particularly sensitive in the coming weeks. Trust your intuition about who to allow into your social sphere. Be vocal about your needs and value yourself enough to set boundaries when necessary. Under the full moon, celebrate the challenges you've overcome recently. How have you grown? It is also a nice time to connect with your physical body. Do something that brings you physical pleasure whether that is mindful movement, visiting nature, running a bath, dancing, or something else. As a general guideline this month, prioritise meditation or some form of spiritual connection as there are beautiful insights available to you. You don't have to navigate your journey alone. Make sure to seek support or guidance from mentors or spiritual figures when you need to.
This month invites you to challenge your mind in new and exciting ways. You might find that mentors or spiritual teachers make their way into your life. Pay close attention to the signs and serendipitous moments that unfold. Consider taking yourself to fresh environments or exploring new hobbies. Your Soul craves new material and learning opportunities so it is a great month for experimentation and learning through doing. Later in the month, you'll experience a surge in confidence within your work life. You can move beyond the limiting thoughts of self-doubt and trust yourself when making decisions. You have grown and evolved over the past few months and learned a lot about self-love. How does loving and valuing yourself improve your interactions with others? What is most important within your deep and intimate relationships? What kind of relationships do you believe you truly deserve? Take time to reflect and find clarity on these points so that you can approach your relationships with confidence and continue to love yourself in the process. As the full moon approaches, you may feel drawn to spend time with family or reconnect with your past. If people from your past resurface, view it as an opportunity to release the old and create space for the new. Connecting with the past can be challenging so make sure you feel nourished and supported. At the month's end, contemplate your intentions for the final chapter of 2023.
Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
Hannah specialises in Soul Psychology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology.