Kendall Latham



Kendall Latham — Senior Environments Designer, Glossier

Sauce sat down with our friend Kendall Latham, and we chatted all things skincare, toxic masculinity and being called a daddy on Instagram.

Can you please briefly explain your occupation and what that entails? What do you love most about what you do?

I am the Senior Environments Designer at Glossier, which means I am responsible for conceptualizing and designing the brand’s real-world experience. I love how freely I’m encouraged to think and create. I’m really lucky to work with an incredible creative team led by amazing women who inspire me to explore the depths of my imagination. They are the best leaders and mentors with whom I have ever worked. (Shoutout to Marie and Adriana).

What is your favourite cologne?

My favorite fragrance is Le Labo Vetiver 46, but I only wear it on special occasions since it’s so expensive. I usually just wear Aesop’s spray deodorant which has a really nice smell.

What cosmetic products/brands do you swear by (e.g shaving cream, moisturiser, serum soap etc)?

I don’t think I’ve found my skincare holy grail yet, which seems ridiculous since I’m surrounded by industry experts. I have really grumpy skin that gets red and dry, but also oily at the same time, so I’ve learned that simplification and longevity are best, at least for now. Since I was 16, CeraVe Hydrating Face Wash has never failed to deliver and is probably the closest thing to a product I can swear by.

What does your skincare routine entail?

My skincare routine has gotten a bit more complicated over the years. I cleanse with CeraVe and then I use Laneige toner (the pink one for sensitive skin) and Pai rosehip oil to help with my redness. After that I put lots of moisturizer on and let that sink in while I get dressed and listen to music. I’m really addicted to the Damask Rose dry body oil by L’Officine Universelle Buly because it feels incredible and smells even better. Last but not least is a nice generous layer of mineral SPF on every inch of exposed skin because I can and will get sunburnt in 15 minutes I swear to god.

What are your rituals (skin, health, anything really that you stick to)?

One of my more public rituals is when I’m eating something with lots of combined elements– a salad, any kind of “bowl”, nachos, etc - I always mix it up completely in a way that has been described as “extremely expressive and violent”. Some people embrace the variation in composition and flavor per bite, but I prefer tasting the full flavor profile. The last thing I want is to bite down on a big lump of sour cream and tortilla and that’s it.

Favourite Glossier product on the market?

I’ve always loved skin tint (G11). It’s not for someone who wants coverage, but it’s exactly the amount I need to make my skin feel really natural, look more even, and have a nice dewy glow.

Describe a typical day at Glossier for you?

Typical is really hard to define these days, but it’s a balance between creative meetings, designing on my computer, and daydreaming/drawing/doodling. I often think up my craziest ideas when I’m doing something completely mundane like waiting for the kettle to boil.

When designing Glossier flagships where do draw inspiration from?

I love finding and comparing different periods of architecture and design, especially in old books. You can’t find a lot of those images online unless someone’s scanned them in, which is refreshing. Sometimes I’ll find photos that reveal details I’ve never noticed before, even if I’m familiar with the project. Of course I also love exploring the dark depths of the internet, finding strange and sometimes uncomfortable images that communicate emotion, just as much as they do design. 

How did you land a job at Glossier, any pointers for the rest of us?

I worked in traditional architecture for a while, but I always knew I wanted to do something less conventional and, frankly, less boring to me. I started finding other avenues to extract the learnings of an architecture education; things like interactive installations within larger projects, fashion shows, retail stores, and crazy parties, but all of my projects were rooted in a more intimate human experience which I have found to be my passion. My experiences and interests fell in place on the careers page of the Glossier website, and I really set my sights on getting the position. Going into interviews, I was really honest about what I wanted and how I saw myself growing as a designer and individual, and it truly felt like a match.

What has been a life struggle (career/health) that you have overcome and can shed wisdom on?

One of the hardest things I’ve dealt with lately is how to be at peace with silence, and practicing patience in a world that doesn’t seem to want to wait for anything. Sitting in my room for a while without music, my phone, a book, anything, sounds nightmarish at times. There’s unending stimulation that relieves us of our thoughts and prevents us from looking inward. I have been actively trying to practice patience by doing meditative things like cooking really tough recipes, going to the park and lying down, or drawing/painting. It’s starting to feel less scary now. 

How do you define masculinity?

There is a lot to unpack here, but for me, the word “masculinity” runs the full gambit of associations. Growing up gay in Kentucky had its fair share of challenges, many of which centered around femininity and being bullied. Masculinity became programmed into me as something I fear, reject, aspire to be, and embrace all at the same time. I see the beauty in masculinity, but I also see how masculine obsession creates toxic conditions.

Listening to right now?

If you looked at my Spotify you would think I am absolutely bananas. I’m listening to Amber Mark, The Clementines, Caroline Polachek, Brahms, The Marine Girls, and a wild mix of other unrelated genres. 

Craziest DM you have ever received?

A guy I didn’t know kept commenting “daddy” on my photos, which I hated because I was like, 28 at the time and most certainly no one’s daddy.

Exciting projects in the pipelines that you can share with us?

Unfortunately, I am sworn to secrecy on upcoming projects.

Anything else you would like to share? Where can we follow you?

Follow me on Instagram if you want to laugh AT me, and maybe sometimes with me.


Thank you Kendall xx

Liam Sharma

Editor. Sometimes I write. @liam__sharma


Stella Simona


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