Greta Kenyon



Editor & founder — Together Journal

If you're looking for some inspiration on how to break into the publishing world, Greta Kenyon is your go-to person. Greta has created a hugely successful indie print magazine devoted to weddings, Together Journal.

To simply put it – if there is a prize for the coolest bridal print magazine out there, hands down Together Journal would win it. She is also an incredibly talented photographer and a powerhouse of ideas. A mother of three children (yup!) Greta is all about multi-tasking, she finds time for everything and even her beauty routine is well thought out and through. We talked about her background, working with Kinfolk Magazine, her grandparents' beautiful wedding, fragrance addiction and some amazing organisational hacks. Scroll through and soak it all in. 


Hi Greta, we love Together Journal. You’ve created such a special space to celebrate love. But, how did it all start? Can you share about your life pre-publishing?

I’m certainly not your typical magazine Editor!

I knew nothing about producing a magazine before I started Together Journal. But I had a very clear idea of what I wanted to create, I was ready for a challenge and I could see there was a need for something new. I’m both creative and business-focused. I’ve spent most of my career in marketing and brand management within the fashion industry—I often see similarities between the fashion industry and the magazine industry, the way they are both trend-driven and tied to seasons as well as the constant deadlines. I have also worked in two start-ups and have been very fortunate to have had two incredible, dynamic mentors who really helped to shape me. Both threw me in the deep end (in a supportive way) and taught me so much about starting and growing a business, so many valuable lessons which have helped me with the magazine.

When I had my children (I have a three-year-old girl and two boys aged eight and nine) I took a break from the fast-paced world of fashion, the hours and the regular overseas buying trips were too hard to juggle with a baby on the scene, especially two babies in quite a quick succession! I had studied photography in the past and I was shooting regularly for fun and I kind of fell into wedding photography by accident when the boys were really little and it ended up taking off. I’ve shot weddings all over New Zealand, in Australia, The Pacific Islands, Bali and the USA. This is where I gained my experience, contacts and knowledge of the wedding industry and my marketing background allowed me to see that there was a gap in the media side of this sector that needed filling.

How did you start Together Journal?

I felt like the wedding industry, in general, was quite dated and very traditional and I could see people wanted a change, me being one of them. I had also been working with Kinfolk Magazine here in New Zealand for a couple of years organising and photographing their New Zealand events and gatherings. It was their niche global magazine model that first sparked me to thinking about how a new kind of beautifully designed wedding magazine with great international content could work on a global scale. They were really helpful and supportive and encouraged me to go for it, they even helped with international distribution contacts. But it was actually my husband who really pushed me to actually do it — he probably got sick of hearing me talk about it so much! He has been a huge supporter of me and the magazine, it’s been a big adjustment for our lifestyle with me working so many hours. If I didn’t have his constant support I would not be able to manage it. He also helps me out on the international distribution side.

Together Journal features some incredible weddings and stories on couples from around the globe. But, is there a special one for you?

It’s a personal one — my grandparents. Kath and Clive who are coming up to their 72nd wedding anniversary. We interviewed them in issue 1 of Together Journal when it was their 70th wedding anniversary. Hearing them talk about their wedding day and what it was like back in 1945. Gran's wedding dress cost 5 pounds and was made out of parachute silk, which was pretty common post-war and Granddad was married in his air force uniform. It all sounds so romantic and they can remember it and talk about it like it was yesterday. They are both in their nineties now, still fit and well, living in their own home happily together and they have the most wonderful marriage.  

Running a magazine must come with so many challenges. Are you able to share a little about that side of the industry?

Starting Together Journal has been full of challenges. The learning curve has been steep, I didn’t have a magazine, distribution or even printing experience when I started. I have learnt so much in the past 18 months. We went into the American market after only six months which involved negotiating high-level legal contracts with the biggest distributor in the USA. That was quite daunting and challenging at the time, but also really exciting.
All the diverse rolls you need to jump between on a daily basis can be a challenge. I go from negotiating with distributors in NZ and overseas, to selling advertising, to dealing with international freight, to working on new layouts and content with our team and then I have to jump on set to style or shoot. I don’t ever get bored!   

You have three kids and a very demanding job. How do you keep up with everything? Any organisational hacks?

I am a complete systems nerd! Get your business onto the best systems you can find right from the beginning. It’s much easier when you are small and nimble to start the right way rather than trying to move something big and cumbersome that involves lots of data across later. There are so many amazing CRM, Accounting, Planning, Scheduling, Project Management etc. systems out there that are completely scalable and accessible. Applications that enable online sharing, the ability to speed things up and simplify, cloud back-ups and being able to work remotely I am a huge fan of and have implemented.

Your relationship to beauty and self-care?

When I think of beauty I want to pair it up with wellness, if I feel well and happy, I feel beautiful. And I try to look for beauty products that I know have healthy ingredients for both myself and the planet as much as possible. I’ve always been someone who prefers a natural look, I grew up hanging out at the beach and I’ve never worn a lot of makeup or been obsessed with beauty treatments. But I still do enjoy nice products, treating myself from time to time and feeling feminine, I think I have a balanced and healthy relationship when it comes to beauty, which is something I want to instil into my children too. I try to get to the gym every week, my favourite classes are body attack and body combat. My current biggest setback when it comes to beauty and wellness is lack of time. I feel like I’m in the busiest period of my life right now with three young children and a rapidly growing business.

Desert island products

NUORI is pretty revolutionary. A Danish brand I was introduced to via WORLD. They create in small batches with shelf and use-by dates. Completely natural and really lovely to use.

Diy skincare tips

Organic Almond Oil with drops of my favourite essential oils used as a body oil for after the shower while skin is still damp. I switch between or mix rose geranium, bergamot and neroli depending on the seasons. I also burn oils at home and in the office. I love essential oils and fragrance and the way they can make you feel.

Go-to wellness items

Raw Apple Cider vinegar with raw honey. I try to have a mug of this in hot water each day.

Morning skincare routine

Mornings are normally a rush in our house and depend a lot on what the sleep patterns were like the night before and what the moods of the little people are like…

I cleanse my face in the shower (I’m all about multitasking!) with Soothing Cleansing Milk, then I apply a quick splash of Extra Treatment Lotion followed by Skin Moisture Solution or Skin Wrinkle Treatment all from the Bobbi Brown skincare or remedies range. I feel like the Bobbi Brown skincare range gives me a nice glow so I don’t have to worry about wearing much makeup.

Then it’s a race to get the kids ready and out the door safely delivered to day-care and school. Somewhere in between, I will spend literally only about 2 to 5 minutes applying Eye Opening Mascara—again by Bobbi Brown, a touch of M.A.C Face And Body Foundation, which is very light and more like a tinted moisturiser. Then I’ll finish with a shade of Karen Murrell Lipstick—my favourite shades which are on constant rotation at the moment are violet Mousse, Orchid Bloom and pink starlet, all quite natural shades of pink. I tint my lashes and brows every 3 to 4 weeks which is a great help if you don’t wear much makeup or you are time short like me. If I’m going out to a meeting or if have an event on in the evening I will spend more time on makeup. And if it’s a special event or if I have a photoshoot on I will go and see the girls at Bobbi Brown to get my makeup done. They are so great at creating natural but ‘done’ look.

Night-time skincare routine

I work every night after putting the kids to bed (lucky I love what I do!), I’ll either have an event or I will be catching up on work at my computer. I normally head for bed around eleven feeling quite tired so my night routine is again pretty quick. I remove any makeup with Dermalogica Precleanse Balm and then I use the same Bobbi Brown lotion and remedies as the morning. Once a week when I feel like I need to indulge and have some time out I’ll apply a face mask and have a long hot bath with a good book in hand. Nuori Supreme Moisture Mask is my favourite for hydration and Girl Undiscovered Stumbled Across Paradise Mask is my favourite for nourishing and exfoliating. 

Haircare routine

I have a mop! My hair is really thick and curly, is prone to drying out and can be hard to manage—especially when it is humid. One of the best hair care ranges I have found to condition and control it is the Davines Replumping Shampoo and Conditioner. They also have a leave-in hair filler spray which you apply when hair is still wet. My hair becomes a lot more manageable, less frizzy and softer when I use it. I try to let my hair dry naturally, the curl sits so much better and it’s so much kinder to it than blow-drying. 
When it’s almost dry I put Evo Love Perpetua shine drops on the ends to finish and smooth. If I’m going out I will head to Servilles or Dry & Tea for a quick dry style normally on route to an event.

Two products that are always in your handbag?

Fragrance—I never leave home without applying one. 

A good lip balm, I always have one in my handbag—currently using Bobbi Brown Lip Balm SPF 15, it is lovely.

Favourite beauty indulgence

Fragrance! I can’t live without it and I have quite a few…
I think it has a big effect on mood and I love the feelings of nostalgia that scents can provoke. My absolute favourite for occasions/evenings is Upper Ten by Lubin, every single time I wear this I get asked about it.  For daytime, my favourite is Queen Of The Night by Grandiflora. I can get lost in a WORLD Brand store for days smelling and trying all their fragrances. It’s one of my favourite places to go to. 

Best-kept secrets in Mount Maunganui

Mount Maunganui is my haven. My husband and I both grew up there, although we didn’t meet each other properly until our 20’s when we were living in Auckland. We moved up from the Mount to Auckland just over five years ago and even though we love Auckland we do still feel like the Mount is home and we probably always will. We just love being at the beach, swimming in the ocean and the coastal lifestyle. We have lots of friends and family down there plus a family bach where we hide out as many weekends and holidays as we can. Over summer we relocate our offices to the bach and try and work remotely there for as long as possible which is great, it provides time out from our busy city life, we spend lots of time with the children and it gives me a chance to relax and come up with new ideas for the year ahead and for the magazine. Plus it keeps us sane and we look forward to it all year.

Thank you Greta x
More on Together Journal here.

Interview — Zeenat Wilkinson
Photography — Coralee Stone

Zeenat Wilkinson

Zeenat is the founder of Sauce, as well as a freelance producer and stylist


Emma Cruickshank


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