Why that dress is more problematic in SATC than you think



Whether it was Forever21 or another brand, the point remains the same. Why do we still promote fast fashion?


We’ve all seen the picture. Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) floating around New York City in none other than a ‘boho-chic’ inspired Forever21 dress. While a travesty in its own right (Carrie wouldn’t dare wear Forever21, nor would Patricia Field dress her in one), the true fashion crime is the power and hold of fast fashion.

A show so engrained in the cultural zeitgeist of a generation, the reboot sparked hope for witty nostalgia and eccentric sartorial looks. Showrunners promised a more informed, inclusive storyline from the show’s originally ignorant story. Yet somehow, Sex and the City hasn’t fully grasped the nuances of today’s fashion conversations, leaving ethical and sustainable clothing far from the script. A show with the power to evoke a new generation, and bring a must-needed topic into the vernacular of fans, has proven an inability, or perhaps fear, to be bold and speak up. 

And then the fast fashion plot thickens. LA brand, Raga, whose pieces are stocked in millennial favourite, Anthropologie, claimed the dress as their own on social media. Then, SATC wardrobe costume designers, Danny Santiago and Molly Rogers (Field’s own protégeé) claimed the dress was sourced sans label, meaning the true origin, not unlike every unethical brand, was unknown. 

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Whether Raga and Forever21 order from the same factories is an all-too-common issue for another day. The problem at hand is our lack of a need to understand where a product has come from and how it affects our people and our planet. The dismal solution from the show’s designers, that the dress was ‘labelless’, shows true ignorance and a lack of consideration. It speaks volumes about the cognitive dissonance in our fashion industry; our inability to take a stance on the current climate crisis that is the fast fashion plague. How can we shift the dialogue, when shows dedicated to beautiful and glorious fashion can’t even make an attempt? 

While the ensemble itself lacks the finesse and devotion of our beloved Carrie Bradshaw, albeit paired with a Gucci x Balenciaga "Hourglass" bag and Terry DeHavilland platform sandals, it showcases how out of touch the show has become. Countless commenters on social media shared their collective horror to see Carrie in a Forever21 dress, resonating with the media outcry. However, it does make me wonder, were they gasping at unethical production, or merely at Carrie wearing cheap clothing?

Words — Mollie Rofe
Image — via Vogue

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