September horoscope by Hannah Crerar



September starts off at a steady pace and our minds feel sharp but as the month progresses, our sense of focus waivers. Some things will take more time than we had planned. Patience and hope are required. Breathe through any fear and allow for delays. You are still an active participant in how this story unravels but you must also allow nature to play it’s part. There is a rebalancing that is occurring that might not be visible to the naked eye. When things feel like they are becoming too hard or heavy, hold your heart and stay in your grace. Remember your Soul chose to be here for this moment in time. When you embrace the unknown, you are always supported.


Key dates:

7 Sep - New Moon in Virgo

You’ll feel called to improve or tweak something whether in health, career or relationships. A time to plant intentions and tend to them with steady devotion, especially over the next week.

14 Sep - Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces

Be prepared for communication lines to feel a big foggy or to perceive things in a clouded light.

21 Sep - Full Moon in Pisces

A time to dream and let your mind expand. Your imagination is limitless. When you give yourself some space and time, you may find breakthrough insights rise to the surface or you get a glimpse into what lives in your subconscious.

22 Sep - Libra Season begins and the Spring Equinox

A time to bring balance into your life and to spring clean what is no longer serving you. What can you say farewell to so that you feel lighter, brighter and clearer?

27 Sep - Mercury Retrograde in Libra

Communication lines are hazy. Tread carefully when it comes to using technology, signing contracts, making travel plans and entering into relationships. It is a time to review the relationships you are pouring energy into. Focus on the people and connections that bring you true fulfilment and authentic connection.


This month you can strengthen and harness the power of daily rituals and routines. What little habits can you implement that lift your energy and protect you from self sabotage? Laying the foundation early in the month will ensure you have the right tools to keep you sane and grounded as the weeks go by. Reach out to close friends that can hold you accountable. Confusion may arise within your close partnerships or friendships. This month is a beautiful time to find spiritual growth within the container of your relationships. It will take devotion and attention but will be worth it. Under the full moon, cast your mind to 2022 and the adventures you want to go on. Your sixth senses can pick up on what’s ahead.


This month is calling you to unleash your creativity. Maybe you have something hot on your heart you’d like to express or a creative project you’d like to share. Where can you drop some perfectionism and be vulnerable? When you let your protective walls fall down, others will feel the heart in what you do, what you say and how you show up. You might find frustrations arising with the finer details of daily work or home life and your close relationships might bear the brunt of these frustrations. Breathe through the step-backs. With persistence you will get there. Under the full moon, dream about the future collaborations and communities you want to connect with. There are so many possibilities on the horizon.


What does home mean to you? How secure does your current home feel? This month is a time to connect with all that is homely. Let yourself feel truly nourished and safe. It is a time to connect with Mother Earth and feminine energy. Regardless of gender, drop into the intuitive wisdom and wildness that exists within you. It is a month to give yourself permission to experience pleasure and welcome abundance. Spending time in nature can be a simple and beautiful reminder of the abundance already in your life. Your creative projects and/or dating life may feel stifled or confusing this month, but it’s important you gently persist here, even when self doubt creeps in. How others perceive you, is not your business. The work is always internal.


This month your words hold a lot of power. Your messages are best delivered in the early phases of the month before Mercury Retrograde swings in. You are tapped into the needs of your close community and provide a nurturing force that is yearned for by many. Don’t overlook how healing a smile, a loving gesture or call to a friend can be. You’ll feel something shifting when it comes to your sense of home. Perhaps the dynamic in the home space is needing to be reassessed or you are feeling called to explore new territory. Notice if you are emotionally overwhelmed when the impulse to change arises and challenge yourself to go inward and mother yourself. Under the full moon, surrender the “how” and simply believe in your next chapter of growth.


This month can be a very lucrative month if you allow yourself to give and receive in equal measure. Your sense of self worth may have fluctuated throughout the year, but now is a time to truly remind yourself of your own value. You may receive the praise and acknowledgement you’ve been longing for. But remember your own applause is the most important. In the middle of the month, the connections you seek to build will require more time and attention than planned but you can trust the process. Later in the month you will be asked to confront something in your home life. The full moon may bring intensity or a revelation of secrets so be prepared to dive deep. When you are brave enough to tackle the messiness, the Universe will support you.


This month, it is so important to love your body. Self-care is not just a hashtag, it is something that you need to invest in. Your physical wellbeing is highlighted and requires some extra tender, loving, care. Maybe you begin a new movement practice, or enjoy some soul nourishing meals, or give yourself permission to rest more. When you connect with and feel gratitude for your physical form, you will feel fabulous and those good vibrations ripple out into the world. You may experience some miscommunication or step backs within your work life. Be crystal clear when it comes to setting boundaries so that these issues are not exhausting. Under the full moon, let go of negativity in relationships and believe in the magic you can create.


This month is a time to embrace what lives in the dark. Any unprocessed emotions or shadowy aspects you prefer to ignore or suppress are willing you to explore and dance with them. Whenever you feel rejected or that people are not seeing you fully, it is because you have not yet fully seen yourself. In the first couple of weeks, go inward, meditate, journal and create. Build a relationship with yourself. Your life can tend to revolve around others and you are gifted at forming close bonds but this is a month to turn the spotlight on you. Remember you are the author of your life. Your actions and intentions create your reality so show up in your daily life as your dream self would.


The first half of the month is a time to socialise whether virtually or in person. Your communication and networking skills are seamless and you can connect with large groups of people in dynamic ways. In the middle of the month, the precision and ease in your self-expression may feel stifled. What is real and what is a dream may be confused. Give yourself permission to slow down and retreat from the public eye. Spend time inviting joy, pleasure and beauty into your daily life. If old feelings of self-consciousness or jealousy arise, relax into knowing you are perfect as you are. Under the full moon, connect with your inner child and let them guide the way.


This month you can welcome some definite progress in your career or public image. There is a method to your madness when it comes to scaling and expanding what feels purposeful to you. You are ticking off to-do lists, and reaching goals but be wary of placing too much pressure on yourself. Gift yourself the space and time needed to feel connected with your intuition. Nearing the end of the month is a meditative time, but notice if you fall into the trap of victim mentality. You can reclaim your power as soon as you realise you have outsourced it to someone or something else. The full moon is a great time to anchor back into your centre, and feel truly at home.


You may be feeling the itch to change things up or visit somewhere new. Even with restrictions in place, there is still a vast amount of exploration you can do. Educate yourself or learn from spiritual teachers. Your mind craves expansion so you must support that desire. Work projects are highlighted later in the month. Notice what happens when you soften your expectations and remain present for the process. The wider community support you seek is coming, but may be a slower burn than planned. Capricorns are in it for the long-game, and you can trust that building your community is a good investment. Under the full moon, drop into gratitude for the people that light up your life. You’ll feel the abundance of support that is already around you.


When it comes to “sticky” issues in your personal life or on the world stage like politics, money, sex or religion; you’ve got opinions. Freedom is what you crave and what you are here to uphold. Though you may want to shout your thoughts from the rooftops, it is not a time to be preachy. You encourage others to see things in a new light when you simply walk the walk. Spend this month getting clear on what is true for you. You might feel a sting in your work life, or from people in authoritative positions. Do not succumb to pettiness. Recognise the value you bring to the world and own it. Under the new moon, you can release old ego-attachments and go through a personal rebirth and renewal.


This month you bring a beautiful level of devotion into your relationships. Relationships provide the best mirror. If you love someone or see a light in them it’s because deep down you see a light within yourself. If there is something that triggers you, hurts you or irritates you about another person, there will be subtle ways you are treating yourself or others in this way. Be willing to explore the nuances in relationships. You may end up having uncomfortable but necessary conversations. The personal liberation on the other side is worth every second. Through the process, stay grounded and tend to your physical body. Under the full moon, release any old hurts so you can step into your next level version of Self.


Horoscope by Hannah Crerar

Image by differ

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