May Horoscope
This month feels like a very potent medicine. There may be moments that taste a little bitter or feel somewhat confronting but they have the potential to provide deep healing. It is important not to cling to the past so that you can grow and evolve as a Soul.
Money matters and self-worth issues are front and centre this month. Get very honest about your financial health. What do you need to do physically, mentally, and emotionally so you can feel worthy of abundance in your life?
With Taurus season in full swing, you will reap what you sow. Where would you like to see momentum building in your life? What creative projects are already underway? Plant the right seeds and tend to the soil, so you can enjoy the delicious fruits.
Key Dates
6th May - Full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio.
This full moon brings closure, revelations, and transformation. Do not resist the endings that are necessary. It is likely you will feel a mix of emotions. Feel them all and pay attention to your intuition around this time.
15th May - Mercury stations direct in Taurus
Communication begins to pick up speed. It is easier to make plans, think straight, operate technology, and travel without delay. You will likely receive answers and solutions to any questions you had about work and finances over the past 3 weeks.
20th May - New moon in Taurus
This new moon is a time to simplify and enjoy the little things. Practice gratitude for what you have and set intentions for what you want to see grow over the next 6 months. Taurus encourages slow and steady growth. What are you good at? What value do you have to offer the world? How can you be generous with your gifts?
21st May - Gemini season begins
This is an expansive and playful season. You will feel more inclined to socialise, to communicate your thoughts and ideas, and to have fun!
This month is about maximising your earning potential. The first thing to shift is your mindset. Start believing that you can earn more and then work on your sense of worthiness. Take an honest look at your lifestyle. Where are you spending your time and money? Where are you sitting on dormant energy or ignoring projects that could create more prosperity in your life? Be open to miracles happening in your life, and make sure you have the systems in place to hold them. The full moon triggers a deep cathartic release. This may mean clearing personal secrets, releasing patterns of codependency, or purging toxic power struggles. Who or what has been dominating your thoughts and are you willing to release them? Mid-month, you might feel like the persona you have created for yourself in the world is actually in conflict with what you really dream of becoming. Are you upholding an image for the world that feels outdated? You are ready to spread your wings and go in a new and expansive direction and this requires you to step into your truth. You will have a lot on your mind at the end of the month. To bring a sense of peace to your mind, it’s important to express your thoughts and feelings, whether in a journal or in conversation with someone you trust.
Allow yourself to be seen this month. Let yourself shine! Don’t hide away for fear of not being good enough or not being ready. You don’t need to put on a picture-perfect mask before going out into the world. This month is about taking the mask off, believing in yourself, and letting the world see the real you. There may be self-worth wounds that surface. Get curious about what is really holding you back and start to clear the limiting subconscious beliefs. The full moon sparks revelations around your relationships. Write down any behavioural patterns you want to let go of so that you can show up as a healthy and whole individual in all current and future relationships. If you are currently partnered, what changes can you detect in your significant other that also reflect changes going on with you? If you are not partnered, how has your view on relationships evolved in the past 18 months? The end of the month brings financial matters into view. It is time to get serious about money management. Once you shine a light on it all, it becomes less daunting. Financial growth can happen this month, especially when you allow yourself to be seen. Pay attention to the inner chatter that goes on in your mind. Quieten the inner critic and turn up the volume of your inner cheerleader.
This month brings opportunities for growth and change. It’s important to trust yourself. Mercury is retrograde for the first two weeks. It is a good time to lay low and be intentional with who you let into your life. You have a gift for socialising but sometimes you need to go within and cocoon. Your spiritual practices are very important. Whether it is journalling, meditating, or spending time in nature; prioritise time for inner reflection. In those quiet moments, be open to receiving solutions, realisations, and new insights. The full moon will bring closure to a chapter in your life. It is irrelevant whether that chapter was “good” or “bad.” The point is that you have outgrown the situation and your Soul is ready to up-level. You thrive when life surprises you so embrace this new leap. In the later phases of the month feel socially active and you receive a boost of confidence. Set yourself small daily challenges that encourage self-growth. Don’t underestimate the power of making small tweaks to your routine. Those little ripples will eventually create big waves. Keep paying attention to any lessons that are showing up within your career. Sometimes it’s not necessary to seek outside advice. Get clear on the true value you have to offer the world and be willing to go against the grain.
This month is about impact. How are you influencing the people in your life; not just those within your close circle but also within your wider networks? Your energy is the most important thing to get right because how you do anything is how you do everything. Instead of focusing on what your message is for the people around you, think about how you are delivering it. Instead of focusing on what actions you are taking for the people around you, think about how you are showing up in the process. Prioritise getting your frequency on point. When you wake up in the morning, what do you need to do to get into the right mindset? How do you want people to feel in your aura? What do you want people to remember about their interactions with you? Visualise these things at the start of the day to set you on the right path. The full moon shines a light on your inner child. Is your inner child scared of something right now? How can you show them it is safe to proceed? You often avoid the spotlight, but by mid-month, you will be called to step into it. Take time in the early phases of the month to prepare your nervous system for being seen. Come out of your protective shell and allow your soft interiors to be seen. It doesn’t mean you need to be perfect it just means you need to own where you are at. Vulnerability hangovers are part of the process, take them as a sign of progress.
This month brings a lot of abundance into your life. Where your attention goes energy flows, so focus on the areas of life you want to feel full and prosperous. You will start to reap the rewards of years of hard work. Notice if your nervous system feels safe to receive or if you begin to question your worth. Lessons around personal security and finance will be presented to you multiple times over the next 2 years and this month an invitation to up-level and breakthrough outdated patterns of thinking. Are you afraid of stepping into your most powerful version of self? The eclipse brings closure to something home related. How are you treating yourself while at home? Is it serving you? If you are living with others, be willing to address any problems within those relationships by speaking about your needs. If you are living alone, be intentional with the way you show up, and don’t neglect your basic needs. You have likely felt a strong desire to travel this year. Whether or not you have acted on those desires yet, that pull to explore may conflict with your relationships or some other long-term commitment you have. Find a solution rather than turning a blind eye. This may require compromise but it is possible to reach a win-win result. The end of the month is a beautiful time to dream and think big picture. It is also a lovely time to go out and socialise.
This month is full of rich learnings about yourself and the world around you. Maybe there is something new you are being called to explore or study. It is also a month where you may find yourself entering altered states of consciousness. This may be through meditation, movement, connection with others, or the natural world. Be open to all the ways you can tap into other realms. There will be moments of breakthrough insights and these will shape the direction of your life going forward. Under the full moon consider what you have learned about your close friends and community in the last 18 months. Do you feel valued in your community? Do you need to put more effort into your connections? Have certain relationships run their course? You may need to have an honest conversation with someone about your priorities and your values. Your practical side is at odds with your intuitive side this month. Perhaps you can list multiple logical reasons why you shouldn’t do something, yet your intuition is begging you to go in that very direction. The logical mind can place far too many limits on what is truly possible and you need to take a chance on your intuition. Career is highlighted at the end of the month. You will feel a boost of confidence and clarity around what you are doing.
This month you need to be intentional with your energy. Your time and attention are your most precious resources so don’t squander them on things that don’t truly fulfill you. Be conscious of your daily routines. What needs to be done so that you go to sleep each night knowing you move the needle in the direction of your dreams? As we near the mid-year mark, look at your big goals and review what is working, what is not, and what you are intuitively being called to lean into. Your sense of self-worth may feel challenged around the full moon. This is an invitation to release old ways of thinking about yourself. There will be a necessary closure in your work that creates space for something more aligned and lucrative to come into your life. Personal finances and security are a big focus and you may like to explore your personal beliefs around money so that you feel deserving of abundance. Your love life will feel very active this month. Bring joy and play into this area. Mid-month you may be forced to ask some more serious questions about commitment. Approach the situation with lightness in your heart. The end of the month stirs a desire to go somewhere new. Maybe you begin making travel plans, or maybe you choose to embark on a journey of learning.
Your relationships and your sense of self are important to focus on this month. If you are in a relationship, consider what challenges have been arising recently. What can you learn about yourself through these challenges? If you are not in a relationship, how do you feel about that? What do you love about your life currently? How would you want to feel if you were in a relationship? Regardless of your relationship status, under the full moon, write down any personal insecurities you are ready to release. This is a powerful moon to clear the slate. It is also a wonderful time to reflect on your self-growth over the past year and a half. There have been many transformative experiences you have gone through and the lunar eclipse marks the final chapter on this journey. How can you celebrate your growth thus far? The next two years will invite you to step more into the spotlight. Give it a practice run this month. The final two weeks are a good time to create a nurturing schedule for yourself so that you find a balance between your work responsibilities and your personal relaxation and reset time. You may find that people from your past come into your awareness a lot near the end of the month. Read between the lines and notice the subtle cues the universe is sending you through these people.
This month brings focus to your simple daily routines. Remind yourself that “as you create your hours, so you create your years.” How would you approach today if you knew that it was impacting your year ahead? Nothing is truly as insignificant as it seems. Who you listen to, what you read, and how you spend your time must be reviewed. Curate what you are consuming so that your subconscious mind is watered with positivity. Prioritise time in your day or week to be creative. You have an abundance of ideas and inspiration to offer the world, but you need that unplugged time with yourself to be able to receive them. How can you make yourself a clear channel for the Universe to communicate through this month? The full moon is a wonderful time to go within, and intentionally let go of all the stale energy that may have accumulated in your aura. It is time to fall in love with the essence that is you. Instead of adding things into your life, what can you subtract? Mid-month, you may feel torn between wanting to say something to someone and feeling unsure if it is your place. Timing is everything, and you need to trust your intuition. Can you lead by example? The end of the month injects passion into your relationships. Ride this wave and make an effort with the people you love.
The key ingredients for you this month are surrender and trust. You will be letting go of a lot. This may leave you feeling a little raw but you will be deeply liberated by the end of it all. If you have been stuck in a routine of doing the same things with the same people, it’s time to change it up. Have fun, get creative, and push yourself outside of your comfort zone. You could try something new, meet someone new, or even reach out to someone from the past to rekindle a connection. Approach every experience with lightheartedness and release expectations. The full moon highlights your big life goals. Let the transformative energy of this moon reveal whether your big visions are still in alignment with who you are today. You have matured a lot in the past 18 months. You may feel frustrated that some dreams have not yet come to fruition but you must trust in the timing of your life. You are in this for the long game and good things take time. You know very well that hard work pays off, but you are not so versed in the act of letting go. Letting go is what allows life to unravel in divine order. So go within and ask; what needs to be let go right now? Don’t skim over this step as it will allow the next chapter of your to be fertile for growth. It is a lovely month to lean on your support system and feel the love that exists in your life.
The beginning of the month is all about setting a solid foundation for yourself. Spend time in your own home space or with loved ones so that you feel anchored and supported. To protect your energy, maintain healthy boundaries with people, and be intentional with what you are consuming. You are being called to connect with your roots and your past in some way. It is always a useful exercise to reflect on where you have come from, so you can better understand where your beliefs stem from today. To feel truly secure in who you are, use this month as an opportunity to reparent yourself and rewire old unhelpful patterns of thinking. There is no better place to highlight your deep subconscious beliefs than through interactions with family. Approach any family situations this month with a lens of curiousity. You may uncover the reasons why you behave in certain ways today. Work is highlighted around the full moon. What is no longer serving you? Changes that need to be made will be illuminated. As you reflect on your growth over the past 18 months, consider whether your gifts and talents are being utilised to their full potential. You have a lot of value to offer the world and you need to remember that. The end of the month is playtime! Fun opportunities will be presented to you. Say yes to new experiences that feel intuitively right.
This month requires an open mind and confidence to speak your truth. Notice where you feel afraid or resistant to expressing what lives within. Clear your throat chakra. You feel so much and it’s easy to get swept up in the waves of emotion you experience. Journalling can be helpful to get clear on your thoughts and feelings but sometimes it is hard to find words to articulate everything. Ensure you use other outlets to process your inner experiences; maybe that is movement, music, art, or just a good cry. The full moon will give you insight into the transformational journey you have been on in the past 18 months. What spiritual lessons have you learned? What spiritual teachers have weaved their way into your life? Maybe they have been disguised as colleagues, lovers, friends, or even pets. The point is that many of your relationships have delivered you enriching lessons designed to evolve you as a Soul. You may have held firm beliefs about something for so long, but the past year and a half has challenged you to think differently. Where have you lightened your grip on an old story? How are choosing to rewrite the story now? Your spiritual side and your practical side may be at odds with one another this month. Can you trust what lives in the unseen? You are so connected to that invisible realm and it’s important to remind yourself of this.
Image credit: Oyla St
Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
Hannah specialises in Soul Psychology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology.