March Horoscope


The theme for March is RESET. This theme showed up last September, so you may notice similar experiences, lessons or thought patterns arising. It is a month to reconnect with aspects of your past self while also connecting with the future you.

Finding this thread between your past and future self will inform who you are today and what needs to be reset so that you can move forward with confidence. 

Who are you choosing to be in this moment? You will come to realise that you really are co-creating this life with the Universe, one choice at a time. There are conscious choices you can make to bring you into alignment with the person you know you came here to be.

With eclipse season starting this month, it is best to loosen your grip on life. Whilst you may not be able to control the external events going on around you, you can choose your response. Empower yourself with an optimistic mindset, willing to learn and grow. 

Key Dates

10th New Moon in Pisces

Let your imagination, intuition and emotions lead the way as you set intentions for this next chapter of your life. Saturn’s influence makes you consider the importance of time. Remember time is your friend when you commit to positive habits.

20th Aries Season begins + Astrological New Year + Autumn Equinox

This day draws a line in the sand and you are given an opportunity to press reset. It is a beautiful day to follow nature's lead and find your equilibrium. Get centred and grounded so that you can embrace the upcoming eclipse whirlwind.

25th Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra

This full moon opens the eclipse portal and brings relationships into the spotlight. Instability is to be expected. Notice who and what shows up in your life. It is important to advocate for yourself and stay in tune with your needs. You are having these experiences for a reason. Get curious about what life is trying to teach you.


This month is a highly spiritual point in the year for you. Even if you’re not on the lookout for signs, they will be all around. Pay attention to conversations you have, people you meet, and dreams you receive. It is good to carve out some time for solitude. This is when your intuition will speak the loudest. Meditation, journaling, and walks in nature are lovely ways to spend time with yourself. If being with your own thoughts feels scary, encourage yourself to start small. Maybe it is just 2 minutes. You are a natural busybody, so it can feel awkward to slow down, but you will cultivate a deeper relationship with yourself when you do. What is a burning desire you’ve had for a long time? It might be something you’ve suppressed or not allowed yourself to entertain. This month you must let the strength of your desire outweigh your fears of rejection and failure. You are worthy of pursuing this thing. What old story has been keeping you small? In the first two weeks of the month, make a commitment to yourself to let go of limiting beliefs. Aries season begins later in the month, and it’s your time to shine. You will feel an extra dose of inspiration but make sure you don’t burn yourself out trying to do it all. Pause before you agree to things to ensure that they are in alignment with your priorities. The end of the month may bring shake-ups or unpredictable changes within your relationships. Something is reaching a closure point. It may be that you or someone else leaves a relationship or that you finally say farewell to an old pattern that has shown up in relationships. Trust that this is happening exactly as it is meant to. Even if you cannot see why, it will all make sense in time. You are stronger than you know, but that strength does not come from gripping tightly; it comes from deeply letting go.


This month you need to get very pragmatic about the big vision. Zoom out and look at where you are, where you want to be and what needs to be done to get there. Who is the person you dream of becoming? What kind of impact do you want to make in the world? What you do next is just as much about the physical action as it is about energetic alignment. Over these next two weeks, write up a master plan that will help you to achieve your goals. Acknowledge those dreams and desires that live deep within, and do not let your inner critic tell you they are not possible. Lean into the energy of your dream future. Truly immerse yourself in the details and feel it come alive inside. Regularly connecting with your future self will fill you with confidence. In the first two weeks of March, Saturn is snapping you out of complacency. It is one thing to acknowledge everything you can do, but Saturn needs you to get real about what you WILL do. Challenge yourself to do the thing that’s a little out of your comfort zone. Consistent effort will be rewarded in time. Nature is teaching you patience. The later stages of the month ask you to go inward, to take time out from the hustle and bustle of the world. What things can you do just for yourself to get some quiet and reprieve? It can be as simple as a few deep breaths in the morning dedicated to you. Or it could be something else that brings you a lot of peace or pleasure. Set the intention and make it happen. The eclipse might shake up your daily routines. You find comfort in the familiar, but this time is about embracing the unknown. The key is to be adaptable because stubbornness will only hold you back. If you can embrace that element of surprise, you will navigate this eclipse portal with grace.


This month is all about leaning into your career goals and visions. In the first two weeks of the month, channel your energy into projects that really light you up. Saturn is asking you to get very honest with yourself about where you are right now, where you want to be and what steps are required to get there. If you have ignored those little requests from your Soul, you will experience discomfort. There is a reason you have the desires that you do. What is stopping you? Is it money, time, or self-belief? Can you see these obstacles in a new light? Be willing to ask for help or guidance because your purpose is greater than any obstacle. If the inner critic gets loud, remind yourself how worthy you are. If you feel stuck in some area of your life, this time of the year is wonderful to do some self-inquiry and work on your mindset. The astrological new year is around the corner and you are given a boost of optimism to move forward with. Do something that challenges you as this will help with confidence in the future. Later in the month, your social gifts are needed. It is a lovely time to network and connect with friends, near and far. This can be both in person and online. How can you nurture the people in your wider community and bring like-minded souls together?  Use the resources at your fingertips. Eclipse season will stir change in your creative projects and/ or romantic life. It may also highlight inner child wounds that need to be worked through. Don’t try and control what is happening around you, just observe and take things as they come. Trust that even if things feel rocky, the storm will pass, and you will come out of it wiser and stronger. Remind yourself nature is intelligent and works in ways that we may not understand at the moment, but we can appreciate in time.


This month is all about embracing your Soul’s purpose and mission here on earth. Purpose need not be confined to a career. Instead, it is the essence of who you are and the unique gifts you have to share with the world. This month, you will be given opportunities to really come into contact with your purpose, to recognise what it is and how it wishes to be expressed through you. Notice what lights you up, what brings you joy, what sparks your curiosity and what people appreciate about you. There is a certain value you have to add to this world, and you need to become conscious of what that is so that you can embrace it and refine it. You do not need to place pressure on yourself to have it all figured out but over these next few weeks, be open to signs showing up in your life. If you already feel connected to your purpose, lean into it even more. Living in alignment with your purpose means living from the heart so it can feel vulnerable, tender and raw. Be bold and brave, and take action, even in small ways. Aries season shines a spotlight on your career. The stage is set in the first two weeks of the month, to feel very familiar with your true calling. You will feel inspired to bring more of who you are into what you do. The astrological new year is a great time to set goals. Focus on the person you want to be in the process of achieving those goals. The lunar eclipse marks the end of a chapter. It might feel a bit unstable as it is happening, and your sense of security and home will go through some shakes, but you are about to set a new foundation for yourself so go along for the ride. Your connection with family is also highlighted. If there is a closure or a surprise that pops up, trust everything is working out in divine order.


This month has you feeling deeply. You have a big heart, and you feel a lot. Events in the first two weeks of this month touch you at the core. What a gift to feel so deeply, but it’s important to give yourself space. You will need time to process some big emotions. Reach out for help if you need it, and talk to people you trust. Who feels safe to be around? You may find you are a little more guarded or cautious with who you connect with, what you say and the actions you take. Trust your intuition when it comes to timing. Your spidey senses are heightened and some things don’t need a logical reason. If your body is giving you a signal, trust it. Your mind may come in with all sorts of other narratives, and other people may also attempt to sway you with their opinions. Stay strongly rooted within yourself and follow that intuitive knowing. It is there for a reason. The astrological new year signals adventure. 2024 is already in motion, but you are given a new-found sense of direction as the month unravels. If you feel called to go somewhere new, study something new, or do some inner spiritual work, it is the perfect time to put plans in place or reach out to people you think can help. Your sense of community will be shapeshifting in the last half of March. Notice who enters your life, what environments feel nourishing, and what topics of conversation spark your curiosity. Around the lunar eclipse, something will come to a natural close. It doesn’t mean it’s over forever, but it’s over for now. You may find new people start entering your life after this moment but something needs to be cleared. It is all happening exactly as it’s supposed to, and time will reveal why.


Your relationships change when you do. That is something to keep at the forefront of your mind this month. The question is, do you want to change? Do you want to up-level? What does that up-level look like? Are you ready to accept the ripple effect this will have in your relationships? Saturn is bringing some hard but important lessons through some of your closest relationships. For the next two weeks, see every person in your life as a mirror. See this time as an opportunity to acknowledge your flaws, strengths, fears and dreams. You have the ability to connect deeply with other people, yet sometimes, your social anxieties can get the better of you. Do you feel the need to please, or do you overanalyse your every move and word? Let go of the details and focus on feeling good. The new moon is a lovely time to set intentions for beautiful relationships to flourish in your life. The second phase of the month asks you to connect deeper with your heart and your innermost desires. Sometimes it is easier to exist upon the surface and not acknowledge all that lives within. Your strong mind can busy itself in many ways, but your body has a lot of wisdom to share with you. Take time out to be in retreat or to simply connect with your breath. When you slow down, you are able to hear the whispers of your Soul, and there is a lot it has to say. The eclipse may shake up your sense of self-worth and could even bring about change to your career. Eclipses are not times to meddle or interfere. Resist the need to control everything. When the world around you is shifting or if things feel like they are falling away, relax. The Universe is sifting out what is most important for the next chapter of your evolution.


This month is a time for genuine healing. Whether you know you have to heal your body, your relationship, your career, or your home life; there is something that is calling for your attention. It is not what your mind is telling you. It is what your heart is telling you. Your intuition is always attempting to get your attention, and sometimes you need a break from the general to-do list to hear it. Your intuition may ask you to do hard things, inconvenient things, or things that stretch you beyond your comfort zone. But when you lean in and answer those calls, no matter how strange or uncomfortable, the rewards are so sweet. Saturn is asking you to do the hard thing. That might mean unhooking from distractions, truly believing in yourself, having a confronting conversation, putting in place a boundary or giving yourself permission to dream bigger. The first two weeks of this month put your intuitive insights on full volume. Make a promise to yourself to feel and listen to your body. The second half of the month underlines your relationships. Are you willing to create positive change within yourself this month? This will fundamentally change your relationships. Some people will step up and meet you where you are, but some may not be ready or willing. People pleasing is not part of the plan for 2024, so stay true to yourself, and you will attract people who are able to hold and support you in your most authentic state. The eclipse at the end of the month can shake up life as you know it. Your relationship with yourself is under construction, and certain events may cause you to question the direction you are heading. It is all purposeful. You do not need to make any big or final decisions, but stay curious as to what life is showing you. Some fun plot twists await.


This month is a time of abundance and romantic fun. The first two weeks are a lovely time to go out and enjoy life, whether with a partner, friends or yourself. How can you infuse pleasure into your daily life? Get a little playful and do things that make you smile just because. When you are giving yourself permission to enjoy and savour the little moments in life, you will start vibrating at a higher frequency. Positivity breeds more of the same, so you will not only create a beautiful ripple effect in your relationships, but you will also attract positive opportunities, synchronicities and people into your life. Your intuition will be sending you signals on tap this month, and you will be able to find solutions to things that have kept you stuck for months. Remember, creativity can strike at random, so keep a journal to jot down random ideas that come to you. Schedule time to distil your intuitive ideas into plans you can actually put into action. Challenge yourself to stop hiding this month. You are worthy of being seen. Recognise you are more supported than you know, and you don’t always need to keep your guard up. The second half of the month asks you to get serious about your routines and supporting your body holistically. What habits can you implement that will support your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing? Maybe it’s meditation, affirmations, therapy, exercise, better sleep; the list is endless. Commit to shifting something in your routine so that you embody more of your future self. The eclipse is a time to go inward and tend to your emotions. If insecurities or vulnerabilities arise, resist the temptation to numb out. Be present with all the feelings.. trust that in a few weeks, it will all make sense. 


This month brings your home and family life into the spotlight. What are you being called to nurture? Where are you needed most? What gifts do you have to share? With whom do you need to share those gifts? What is the importance of family in this chapter in your life? Your priorities are shifting, and you need to get clear on what this season is about. Clarifying your priorities will help you to implement appropriate boundaries. Saying no to something now does not mean saying no forever.  You will feel the sobering influence of Saturn on your life in the first two weeks of March. Saturn places importance on time, and it is a limited resource. This time of your life requires a certain kind of energy and attention. Where are you going to divert it? If you feel torn between two options, trust that there is no wrong decision. Simply make a call and then adjust your behaviour based on what transpires. Lean into the fearless part of you that is willing to give anything a go. The second half of the month is a very fertile time. Dream and let your imagination run wild. Creative inspiration can strike at the most unlikely moment, so have a journal nearby to write down any exciting thoughts or ideas. Aries season symbolises fresh starts. Where are you pressing reset in your life? What is something new you want to embark on? Connect with your inner child or act upon a dream your younger self once had. At the end of the month, communication might feel clunky, and you may experience weird technology glitches. This is thanks to the lunar eclipse stirring change. It might feel like your future plans are getting turned on their head or that your business or community is changing. Allow the changes to unravel. There is a method to the Universes’ madness. 


This month is a time to rethink your inner circle and environment. Are you feeling inspired? What relationships feel supportive? What relationships feel draining? What environments feel like a Soul YES? What environments feel misaligned? Acknowledge the situations and people you have outgrown. Give yourself the best opportunity to flourish by connecting with places and people who value you and see you for who you truly are. You are not one to shy away from a challenge, but sometimes, your innate sense of grit and determination means you push through difficulty when you don’t need to. Sometimes, discomfort is actually a sign to pivot or make a change. Life can be joyful. Remember that. Saturn is giving you the nudge of encouragement to look at where you need to make some big decisions. The first two weeks of the month are a good time to use your voice. Speak up about things that have been on your mind. You might feel more emotional than usual, and sometimes you have to let your heart lead the conversation instead of your head. The second half of the month welcomes the astrological new year, and it brings focus to your home space. It’s a lovely time to set intentions for the home you envisage yourself. It is also a time that may bring you into contact with your past, your relationship with your mother and/or other significant women in your life. What are they teaching you? Appreciate the lessons from your past and also acknowledge how much you have grown. The eclipse stirs shifts in your career. There are chapters closing. Be brave; life is inviting you into something bigger and better. There is a whole new level of growth happening, both internally and externally, and it is exciting. 


This month is an important time to be in an abundant mindset. The channels of prosperity are open and you will see opportunities arise all around you. If you find your mind spiralling into thoughts of lack, scarcity or fear, take a pause, breathe and remind yourself of all the support systems that surround you. Start by noticing the support of the earth that exists beneath you, then the support of your breath that ebbs and flows without effort, and then the people in your life who love and adore you… the list goes on and on. The more you drop into gratitude, the more blessings will flow to you. The first two weeks of March allow you to make necessary changes in your work life to support your future visions. It is a good time to focus on your sense of self-worth. Are you acting in ways that signal to the Universe you value who you are? Are you prioritising your own needs? Are you listening to your intuition? Saturn is going to make it very hard for you to ignore your internal knowings. If there is something you have wanted to do for a while but you have felt a sense of guilt or unworthiness, now is the time to prove those limiting beliefs wrong. The second half of the month is all about using your voice and advocating for your needs. What conversations do you need to have with friends, colleagues or your local community? It is time to be courageous and trust yourself. As Aries season starts, you may find your mind is running a million miles an hour. Journalling can help to make sense of your thoughts.  As the month closes, we enter eclipse season. One of the greatest lessons you will learn during this time is that you have a great mind, but there is no point in trying to outsmart the Universe. If life is getting shaken and stirred and things feel well out of your control, relax and know that this is all happening by design.


This month is all about you. Pisces season is in full swing, and emotions are flowing. How are you feeling? It is okay if you cannot put it all into words. Sometimes music, movement or even memes say it better. March is an exciting time to set intentions for the future. Multiple planets are in your sign, giving you a sense of vitality and aliveness, but it can also feel unsettling, crazy and a lot to compute all at once. If you feel passionate one day and fearful the next, it is to be expected. Your intuition is heightened and it will always be signalling where your next step should be, even if the final destination is unclear. Saturn is in your sign for another year, but he is making an extra strong impression this month. Boundaries are key so be firm with them. Saturn wants you to put in place structures that will allow your big dreams to flourish. The second half of the month shines a spotlight on your work, your finances and your overall sense of self-worth. Do you feel valued in your job? In your relationships? In your home? You are worthy of respect and it’s important that you are amongst people and places that really value and honour you in your authenticity. Stand up for yourself and use your voice where needed. The eclipse might bring secrets up to the surface. If there is something you want to get off your chest, you may find opportunities to share. You may also discover things about people that you did not expect. If you feel overwhelmed during this time, be gentle with yourself. Take time before making any big decisions. Life will settle down in a few weeks. Trust that life is unravelling as it’s supposed to, and you can surrender to this greater plan.

Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
Hannah specialises in Soul Psychology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology.

Hannah Crerar

Hannah specialises in Soul Psychology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology


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