February Horoscope


This is the month to imagine your future. Get very specific and detailed about the life you want to create and visualise it all coming to life. Regular visualisation will give your subconscious direction to work towards. Be bold with your dreams - you are worth it!

The month starts in Aquarius season, and during this time, you are supported in letting go of emotional baggage and limiting beliefs so that you can walk confidently towards your dreams. Pisces season begins on the 19th, and this signals a time where you can connect with your spiritual self. Pay close attention to your intuition and any signs you receive from nature. 

Key Dates

10th New Moon in Aquarius 

This day coincides with the lunar new year and symbolises fresh starts. Set intentions for the future that feel innovative. Think outside the box and be willing to step into the unknown. Nothing is too weird or wacky.

12th Chiron conjunct the North Node in Aries

This aspect encourages you to reflect on your past wounds and traumas. How have they shaped who you are today? What has helped you to heal? How can you pass on this healing to others? With some self-acceptance, you can step forward and be a guide for others.

19th Pisces Season begins

Pisces season is a time to connect with your spiritual essence. Your intuitive abilities are strengthened and you are more likely to absorb the emotional energy of the world around you. It is important to be compassionate, but ensure that you still have healthy boundaries in place.

25th Full Moon in Virgo

TVirgo loves to purify and cleanse. What needs to be cleared from your life; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? It is time to let go and declutter in all areas. 


In any self-discovery journey, it is important to investigate what kind of places and people bring out the best in you. Your community and surroundings are very influential in your self-growth, so consider who feels supportive to have around. What kind of environments allow you to thrive? What kind of impact are your current surroundings having on you? There will be time for introspection and reflection this month. As Chiron and the North Node connect in your sign, it is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on what you genuinely appreciate about yourself. You are learning to foster a positive self-image. If you commit to more self-love in 2024, you will be astounded with the way your life changes for the better. Acknowledge the strength and resilience you have developed through hardships. What unique traits have emerged through your most challenging experiences? These add texture to who you are. Take time to evaluate how your daily rituals and routines are supporting or hindering your growth. Time will amplify the benefits of your good habits and amplify the downfalls of your bad habits. Think about what behaviours you want to tweak, change, let go, or double down on so that time works in your favour. Under the full moon, identify the small consistent actions are you willing to commit to, to improve your well-being. The end of the month is a highly intuitive time. Be aware of the thoughts that dance through your mind, the emotions that reside in your heart, and the dreams that beckon you. Those dreams that have lived in the background for far too long are ready to come to life. Let this season be an invitation to align with your authentic self more than ever. 


In February, your career is top of mind. Striking a work-life balance may feel particularly challenging, but your stamina is often underestimated, and you can trust that you will get done what needs to be done. Remember that rest can be very productive. You don’t need to feel guilty for taking time out. When you are well rested you are exponentially more powerful. As the month unfolds, set aside moments for solitude. Be willing to embrace the discomfort of boredom as it will often give way to creative inspiration. You will receive breakthrough ideas about work so keep a journal nearby to jot down ideas. Remember that when you are overly distracted, your creative capacity is compromised. Receiving advice from mentors and other external sources can be beneficial, but periodically, you need to tune out the noise so that you can hear your intuition. If you are afraid to trust your instincts, reflect on the times in your life that success has followed when you followed those inner urges. Empower yourself to execute your creative ideas without seeking permission from others. Under the full moon, you will need to use your voice. Find the courage to stand out and be seen. As you get comfortable with the attention, consider; what do you really want to say, and what is the most authentic way to share your message. The end of the month shifts your focus to your community and the impact you can make on those around you. How can your actions contribute to the well-being of your community? This month is an opportunity to align with your purpose, trust your intuition, and leave a lasting positive mark on both your personal and professional spheres.


This month symbolises a new chapter in your journey. There is a feeling of adventure in the air. You may be stepping into a new environment or planning your next move. What are you looking for? Is it a feeling, a person, an event or something else? As the weeks unfold, pay attention to your mindset. A shift in perspective is more powerful than a shift in location. Remind yourself that wherever you go, there you are, so make an effort to befriend yourself and adopt the attitude that life is working in your favour. If something feels challenging, question what it is teaching you. Adopting this perspective is very empowering. This month also requires you to push the boundaries of your imagination. Dream bigger, aim higher, and release any limiting beliefs or thoughts that are rooted in scarcity. Turn to nature and notice her abundance. You are part of nature and so you can also expand and grow in limitless ways. As Chiron connects with the North Node, you may be reminded of valuable lessons you have garnered about friendship. What kind of people uplift you? How can you nurture your friendships? Where are boundaries necessary? The full moon illuminates aspects of your past. It is a good time to reflect on any old patterns or people that haunt your current reality. Write down what or who they are. Shred or burn the paper under the full moon to symbolically let them go. Next, write down what you intend to channel your energy and attention into moving forward. The end of the month emphasises your career path. Take this time to align your professional pursuits with your authentic aspirations. Ask your intuition what your next step needs to be.


This month, you are encouraged to do some deep inner work and ask yourself the big questions: what makes you happy? What limiting beliefs do you want to break through? What is your current definition of success? Where are your top goals for the future? You don’t have to have the answers all at once, but it’s important to go within and get curious. This month, you also need to be very deliberate with your social calendar. Prioritise quality over quantity when it comes to social engagements. Give yourself space to rest and recharge and simply go with the flow. When you are free from the demands of the outside world, your creative energy is very strong. Your career is top of mind mid-month. Consider how you want your daily work experiences to feel. You might like to write down what a dream workday would look and feel like. Assess how that aligns with your current schedule. Can you find a complementary relationship between your professional and personal life? Be sure to step outside into nature on the night of the full moon and the days leading up to it. The natural world has a healing effect on your body and mind and provides a sense of calm. Think about the places in nature you feel most at home. Cancers have a strong connection to the water so it will be wonderful if you can visit some kind of water bed. At the end of the month, you might feel called to plan an adventure or a weekend away. You might also feel excited to learn something new. Spontaneity is welcome. Whatever your intuition is guiding you to do is the right thing. The end of the month will inspire you to connect with your purpose. Consider what bold steps you would take if fear were not a factor.


This month promises breakthrough moments within your relationships. Take a moment for introspection, allowing yourself the time to discern what truly matters and what you value in long-term connections, be they romantic, platonic, professional, or otherwise. You are always being influenced by the people you surround yourself with, so audit your social sphere. Make sure that you’re spending time with people whose values and character traits align with what you want for your own life. What kind of energy do you want to feel in your relationships? What connections bring out the best in you? Who sees and appreciates your authenticity? Use these questions as journal prompts that you return to throughout the month. All of the answers reside within you, and you may be surprised by what shows up when you put pen to paper. As Chiron conjuncts the North Node in the middle of the month, reflect on the significant adventures and journeys that have shaped your life. What healing has taken place? Consider the mentors and teachers who have crossed your path and how they have impacted your perspective. Under the full moon, shift your attention towards work, finances, and family. Contemplate what the future version of you desires in these crucial aspects of life. You will want to clear out everything that represents a past version of you. Towards the end of the month, a call to retreat becomes prominent. It is best not to make any serious commitments and keep the demands of the outside world to a minimum. It is a nice time to immerse yourself in nature and be a bit more introspective. Time spent in solitude will help to illuminate your true desires. 


February provides you with a good dose of inspiration to clear the clutter in your life so that you can wholeheartedly connect with your future self. Let go of belongings, people, and thought patterns that no longer align with who you are becoming. What needs decluttering in your physical home or office? Re-evaluate your social circles. Who is a good match for your energy? What mental habits are holding you back? This is a season for intentional purification. As the month unfolds, it will be a busy yet transformative period for you. There may be a new job or business project on the horizon. What kind of work do you want to manifest? Embrace the opportunities to grow in your professional life and build new connections. Your professional growth naturally leads to personal growth. There will be some downtime needed as the month progresses so that you can make sense of past emotions and experiences. Old feelings may resurface without warning. Seek the support of trusted friends, family or therapists if you feel you need to talk things through. Alternatively, the act of journaling can serve as a cathartic means to gain clarity and closure. Under the full moon, focus on your self-esteem. How worthy do you feel? Has your inner critic been speaking loudly recently? It is time to remember how powerful and valuable you really are. Identify what activities, people, and places empower you and boost your self-confidence. Invest in your well-being and start prioritising the things that nourish you on a soul level. Your focus shifts towards relationships near the end of the month, prompting important conversations. Lean into any confrontations with an understanding that growth awaits on the other side.


This month, direct your attention towards your relationships. How you have grown in relationships over the past five years? What have you learned about your communication style? How do you like to give and receive love? Where do you need to put yourself first? Where do you need to compromise? How does your relationship with yourself impact your relationship with others? There is so much growth that has occurred for you and it is important to acknowledge that. It is a good month to be bold, put yourself out there, and be open to taking a few risks. Every time you challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone, you learn something new about yourself and the world. The new moon is a great time to set intentions about the big things you want to create for yourself this year in all areas: your home, healthy relationships, work and spiritual connection. Under the full moon, reflect on any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Get a piece of paper and write down all the beliefs you want to let go of, and then ceremoniously burn it. You might like to reflect on the past experiences from your childhood or teenage years that may have formed some of these limiting beliefs. The end of the month shifts your focus towards daily routines and habits. Identify the little actions you take that have a significant impact on your overall wellness. Pick two or three small actionable steps that you can implement into your daily routine to bring about positive change and fulfilment in your life. It is also important at the end of the month to keep your social and work commitments to a minimum. You want to have the ability to just go with the flow and emerge when it feels right.


February is a wonderful month to focus your attention on your environment. Sometimes, there are seasons where things get a little chaotic and messy, but this month, your Soul is craving some clarity and order. Create a space for yourself that feels aligned and organised. When you do, it will enhance your productivity and contribute to an overall sense of peace. As a highly sensitive and intuitive individual, do not underestimate how the spiritual energy of your space affects you. Regularly cleanse your environment by burning sage or opening windows and doors so that unwanted energy can flow out. You might find yourself navigating some confronting family matters this month. The way you handle yourself will be a testament to all the self-work you have put in, and you will be able to compromise on certain matters without it being to the detriment of your own wellbeing. This month is also a good time to reflect on your health and habits. Write down mini goals that you have for your mental health, physical health, and spiritual connection. Then, contemplate the habits that will support those goals. The full moon shines light on your wider network. Take a moment to assess the relationships that exist beyond your immediate circle. What connections have you made that have a positive influence on your life? Are there opportunities for growth within your network? The end of the month is simply a time to connect with your heart. Take a break, close your eyes, place your hand on your heart, and then journal everything your heart wants to say. There is no right or wrong. This introspective practice provides a meaningful conclusion to the month and brings you closer to your innermost self.


This month is the perfect time to use your voice. It is not about being loud or overpowering; it is about speaking your truth. Your voice is a conduit for expressing your authentic self, and its strength lies in the authenticity of your words. Use communication as a tool for connection, expressing genuine feelings, and seeking the answers you need. Journaling can be a valuable outlet during this time, providing a space to pour out your thoughts and emotions onto paper. Reflect on how your self-confidence has evolved over the past year. True self-confidence is always a byproduct of self-acceptance, so it’s important to continue accepting all aspects of who you are and, importantly, the parts of you that you prefer to hide. Get curious about what helps you to feel truly accepting of your perceived flaws, and make sure to keep those things in your tool kit for the year ahead. You can set some bold intentions this month for everything you want to create in 2024. Perhaps you have refined the ideas that you had last month. Allow your vision to continually evolve. The full moon brings focus to your career.  Acknowledge that something must give, and consider what you are willing to let go of. Finding the courage to release what no longer serves you is a transformative act. Take the time you need to grieve the past chapter, trusting that saying goodbye opens the door to an amazing new chapter. Towards the end of the month, a cosy and reflective energy settles in. You may feel called to stay home, surround yourself with loved ones, or revisit old memories. Embrace the warmth of home and the nostalgia of the past and create a space for reflection and connection with those who matter most.


As you step into February, get introspective. Ask yourself, what would I call this current chapter of my life? Tune into a word or a feeling that encapsulates this point in time for you and let it set the stage for the coming weeks. Reflect on the core values you have at the moment. Explore whether these values are intrinsic or influenced by societal ideals. This self-inquiry allows for a more authentic understanding of your beliefs and motivations. Are there times in your life where you seek validation from external sources? February is the perfect month to discover ways to build a sense of worth and self-esteem from within. When you are stronger internally, you are more resilient in the face of challenges, and your life will naturally feel more fulfilling. As the month goes on, there is emphasis placed on the important females in your life and the healing that has occurred in your relationships with them. Acknowledge the growth and positive transformations that have occurred and how they have contributed to your well-being. The full moon marks a time when you will need to step away from the busyness of life and clear your head. It is a lovely moment to find gratitude for all that you have. You may feel an urge to clear your schedule of appointments for the next week, or perhaps you plan a trip away. This need for space is purposeful and will help to shift your perspective on things in a positive way. The end of the month puts you into a chattier mood. You might find yourself more inclined to interact with technology and social media to share a message or connect with people. These tools can be beautiful for engaging in meaningful conversation, but ensure you have appropriate boundaries in place.


The spotlight is on you this month, and the entrance of Pluto into your sign signals deep and powerful transformations are underway. While the changes may not be sudden, you can sense them stirring within. Journal about the changes you feel are on the horizon. You will be surprised what your intuition can pick up. As you enter this new chapter, you will feel yourself shedding old skin. What character traits feel like they belong to an old version of you? Be unapologetic as you embrace your new yet authentic identity. It might feel a bit clunky at times if you haven’t operated in this way before, but it is all part of the journey. The focus will shift towards your health and well-being later this month. Ask yourself if you are truly taking care of yourself and listening to your inner wisdom. Prioritise self-care practices that nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Connecting with your close community and friends will also become crucial this month. What relationships are playing an integral role in your life at the moment? Acknowledge the support they have provided and how their presence has contributed to your personal growth.  As the full moon graces the sky, pay attention to what is showing up in your life, as it offers clues about the transformations that await you. You may feel a surge of fearlessness. What courageous actions you can take to propel yourself forward? This is a time to confront the unknown with boldness and determination. The end of the month brings attention to your finances. Reflect on your goals for the next two years and consider how finances fit into that vision. Additionally, explore the deeper meaning of money in your life and examine any deep-seated beliefs surrounding it.


This month, you need to press pause. If life has felt overwhelming or busy recently, take some time out to hear yourself think. Retreating, even if just for a short moment, will feel blissful. If you sense lingering energies from 2023, use this period to release and let them go for good. Identify the highlights and lowlights from last year. What were the biggest challenges? You are wiser because of your experiences, and you can share this wisdom with others to help them on their healing journey. This month will bring you closer in touch with your healing gifts, so notice if any of your senses are getting stronger. The first two weeks of February are a good time to wrap up loose ends and get organised for this next chapter. The full moon shines light on your relationships. Use this lunar energy as a catalyst for open and honest communication. Where do you need to speak up? Is there something that needs to be confronted? What is your intuition telling you about a significant person in your life? Spend some time journaling about these things and make a plan to take action where necessary. When you speak from a place of self-confidence and trust, you command deeper respect and understanding within your relationships. The end of the month sparks your creative side. Let yourself be experimental; perhaps you try a new movement class, write poetry, dress in a new way, or redecorate your home. You may find new responsibilities come your way, and though you may not feel fully ready, trust that you are prepared for the challenges ahead. Embrace this time with an open mind and welcome the opportunities for growth and expansion.

Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
Hannah specialises in Soul Psychology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology.
Image credits - Brooke
Image credits -Anna Watt

Hannah Crerar

Hannah specialises in Soul Psychology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology


New & noteworthy this month


January Horoscope