August Horoscope


August might be one of the juiciest months of the year for spiritual growth.

The month begins and ends with beautiful full moon energy. Full moons help to illuminate what is working and what is not. You are encouraged to release and clear out what is no longer serving you. The art of letting go takes practice and it can feel challenging at times.

With so many retrograde planets this month, you will be revisiting your past so that you can let go of anything that has been holding you back subconsciously.

Beliefs around love and money will become very obvious with Venus retrograde. You can use this time to heal your heart.

The pace of life may feel a lot slower and it’s natural to get frustrated but you cannot underestimate the speed at which your Soul is evolving through this process.

Key Dates

2nd - Full Moon Aquarius

This full moon is a time to clear out psychic debris. Write down anything you want to let go of and hand it over to the Universe.

8th - Lions Gate Portal

The rising of the spiritual Sun, Sirius, happens on this day and it brings feelings of abundance and prosperity into your life. It also signals a rebirth. What needs a fresh start in your life?

16th - New Moon in Leo

A time for new beginnings. Connect with your heart as you set intentions for the next lunar cycle.

23rd - Virgo Season begins

The next few weeks are all about fine-tuning your routine, implementing healthy habits and organising your spaces. It is also a time to consider how you can be of service to others.

24th - Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Communication, travel plans, technology, and logical thought may encounter some delays. Tread carefully and remain flexible.

31st - Full Moon in Pisces

A dreamy full moon to end the month. Your intuition will be heightened and your emotions may feel all-encompassing. It is a beautiful night to perform a ritual or call upon support from the spirit realms. Reflect on the month that has been and all you have learned.


The month begins with a powerful full moon that encourages you to take a quantum leap in your life. Take time to envisage the future you desire. Let your mind paint a picture. Get as specific and detailed as possible. Start to see everything aligning on a future timeline and let your heart crack open to the possibility of it all coming to life in this moment. Your life will only change if your energy changes, so raise your vibration and believe in your power to manifest. Be willing to be led by your heart, and not your head. This month triggers a lot of heart-healing experiences. The healing process is never linear. Accept that there will be twists and turns along the way. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, seen, heard, and held in the presence of others. It is not weak to receive support from the outside world. It is necessary. Your daily schedule will undergo some changes later in the month. Even small adjustments can make a significant difference to your well-being. Patience is something you are always learning and these next few weeks are about putting one small step in front of the other. Take extra care of your physical body. Rest, hydrate, and stretch. As the month draws to a close, the final full moon urges you to turn inward and wash away old energies you’ve been holding onto. Embrace a clean slate and be open to receiving wisdom from the spiritual realms during this introspective period.


The month begins with a potent full moon that shines a spotlight on your career and future aspirations. What does your heart desire? You have gifts and skills to share with the world and value to add to people’s lives. What relationships, activities, and objects are standing in your way? What are you willing to let go of? Set the intention to clear space in your life, so that your creative visions can flourish. While it's exciting to think that the best is yet to come, you need to practice presence in your everyday life otherwise, you might miss the magic when it arrives. You may feel more introverted these next few weeks. It is a beautiful period to focus on nurturing your home and connecting with your intuition. Where can you slow down? What can you drop from the to-do list? Close your eyes and ask…what do I need to say no to? What do I need to say yes to? Start following those inner knowings. This month is a great time to experiment with using your voice more; whether at home, at work, or out with friends. It is not about being bolshy or aggressive. It is about being unapologetic as you express yourself and your needs.  As the month nears its end, use the full moon in Pisces to connect with the energy of gratitude. Think about all the beautiful people who have supported you this month. Set an intention to give back to your community and spread kindness around.


This month begins with a full moon that charges up your desire for adventure. You are not willing to settle for the same old thing. Your Soul seeks expansion and change is on the horizon. As the weeks go on, you may feel resistance showing up, but continue to plug into the vision you have for your future and the excitable feelings it creates. Remind your ego that you are safe and that change is healthy.  When it comes to relationships this month; do not fall for potential, instead embrace what is real in the moment. When people reveal their true selves to you, believe them. When unsure, prioritise yourself. The next few weeks are a great time to think about the people you consider to be part of your close circle. Energetic proximity is more important than physical proximity. Who are the people that you spend a lot of time thinking about, speaking to, or directing energy toward? Are these relationships serving you? How can you show gratitude for the ones that feel aligned and how can you express your needs or let go of the ones that feel misaligned? The last week of the month calls for a lot of grounding. Place your feet on the earth, take some deep breaths, and do what you need to calm your nervous system. The full moon in Pisces illuminates what needs to be let go of in your life. You will also receive spiritual insights about your career and the legacy you are here to create.


The full moon at the beginning of the month is asking you to go deep. Is there something you have been avoiding? Look at it head-on, acknowledge its presence, and believe in your ability to take the action you need to. What you resist will persist, and the time is now. Wipe the slate clean so that the rest of the month can flow. It is a great month to focus on wealth generation. What is the flow of money like in your life and how abundant do you feel? Take time to plan for the future. What are you seeking to build? Are you seeking financial growth? If so, what do you need to do to make it happen? With all the planetary retrogrades going on, it is not a month to make hasty decisions. Go through everything with a fine toothcomb so that you feel secure moving forward. Later in the month, knowledge is power. What is something new you would like to learn about so that you can maximise your potential? Seek out mentors, guides, and teachers who can help you grow. Journal daily about the little lessons you learn to establish a growth mindset. The full moon in Pisces is a time to release old ways of life that no longer align with the person you’ve become. The motto for this next chapter of life is: when in doubt, choose yourself. Your energy is special and it’s important you let your full self shine.


This month you are the star of the show. The first full moon of the month asks you to quieten your mind chatter and tune into your heart. It is the perfect moment to clarify what you want and need within your relationships. As the month goes on you need to unapologetically express these things. You will experience big internal shifts this month. You may notice your desires and preferences evolving rapidly and with that, your life direction may change. The new moon is a good time to reflect on the past year of your life. What sparked a lot of passion? What felt challenging? What are you grateful for? Plant seeds of intention for this next beautiful year ahead. What areas of your life need some extra love and nourishment? The last week of August is a wonderful time to look at your finances. When you sit and look down at the numbers you may be pleasantly surprised. Keep your eyes peeled for lucrative opportunities. Sometimes it requires putting on the brakes and taking a bird’s eye view of the situation to see new possibilities.  The full moon at the end of the month is deeply spiritual. Notice what is showing up in your dreams and what signs you are receiving from the universe. You are being guided, but you won’t be told directly what to do. You must decipher the messages and feel your way through.


This month starts off with a reflective tone. You are encouraged to look within and be present with all of your emotions. You are very empathic and absorb other people’s energy easily. Your sensitivity to the world is sometimes underestimated so it is important you give yourself time to process and let go of all that is not yours. Under the first full moon of the month, visualise a healing light swirling around your aura, clearing your field. With many planets retrograde this month, you may be reminded of past relationships, jobs, or patterns of behaviour. They are surfacing for a reason. Is there a belief system you need to rewrite or a habit you need to let go of? If anything feels challenging or you start to lose confidence, remind yourself of how much you have grown in the past year. Reflect on some of the big hardships you’ve experienced and what they’ve taught you. There is gold on the other side of this and you are more powerful than you know. Later in the month as we enter Virgo season, it is time to step out of the wings and enjoy some attention. Your ideas are meant to be heard. Your beauty is meant to be seen. Your presence is meant to be felt. The final full moon in Pisces spotlights your relationships. What do you dream about in this area of your life? Write it out like it’s already happened. Indulge in all the details and feelings. Replay it in your mind to manifest it into existence.


This month is about becoming your own priority. Anyone that does not support this mission is meant to fall away. You are worthy of more. The Aquarius full moon triggers a lot of heart healing. What relationships are you pouring most of your energy and attention into? Are these relationships reciprocal? Get clear on what you value and need from the people around you and be willing to express those needs and values with confidence. As the month progresses be willing to step out in front of the crowd and display leadership. Where are you holding back your energy? What are you avoiding talking about? Sometimes the fear of other people’s opinions can feel crippling. You are not too much. You are not a burden. You are worthy of taking up space and magnetising the support you need. When you fearlessly share what lives in your heart, you will attract the right crowd. As we shift into Virgo season, you will experience deep internal shifts. It is good to spend time with yourself. Perhaps that means visiting nature, meditating, journaling, or simply relaxing at home. You don’t need to look outside of you for answers. The full moon at the end of the month is a beautiful time to release unwanted ties in your life. It is also a good time to spring clean your physical spaces. When the clutter is gone, the energy feels fresh.


This month you need to be very observant of others’ actions. You know better than most that actions speak louder than words. Your intuitive eye is always reading the room and you can sense energetic power dynamics. However, sometimes you question your own intuition. This is not the time. Trust in what you feel, see, and know. The full moon at the beginning of the month is a time to be very self-loving. You may feel inclined to be a little more private and insular. Take time to write out any worries or triggers you’ve experienced recently. Hand these over to the Universe, ready to be transmuted. As the weeks go on, your career goals are highlighted. You are here to make an impact on the world in your own special way. Who is supporting you to make this happen? What environments value your unique gifts and talents? It is important to plug into the right people and places that allow you to grow and allow you to feel seen. The end of the month provides insight into the kind of friendships that are worthy of fostering. You may have evolved and outgrown certain situations and it’s okay to walk away. Mercury retrograde can increase the likelihood of miscommunication. Rehearse the words you want to say so that they land as intended. The Pisces full moon is a beautiful time to connect to your heart. Give your heart a voice. What does it want to say?


This month, be good to yourself. This is the most simple instruction, but sometimes the hardest thing to implement. Self-love really is the best medicine so if you feel stuck or unsure, just ask your heart “What do you want?” Remember, just as plants grow with nourished roots, for your relationships, business, family, health, and home to thrive, you must nurture yourself—the source of it all. Be good to yourself, and watch your life blossom. The Aquarius full moon is the permission slip you need to do just that. August is a time to shine in your storytelling and teaching gifts. You are a born leader and this month you may find that old passions are reignited. You may remember your love for adventuring, teaching, learning, and sharing. It is all part of your dharma. Make sure you are not questioning your ability to be an authority. If imposter syndrome takes over, look in the mirror and give yourself a pep talk. There is so much wisdom within you, ready to be unleashed. Venus retrograde may bring some financial matters to the surface so that you can deal with them head-on. It might take some time but it’s a worthy endeavour and your future self will be grateful. The Pisces full moon at the end of the month is a good time to reflect on all the lessons you learned over the past few weeks, and what you want to release so that you have a clear foundation to build upon next month.


This month is spicy! You are ready to tackle hard issues head on and confrontation becomes a lot less daunting. Though your self-confidence may waver at times, use those moments to prove yourself wrong and keep pushing forward. Every failure you encounter is a lesson in disguise, inching you closer to success. Under the Aquarius full moon, take a moment to reflect on your sense of self-worth and personal power. How have these aspects felt tested in recent weeks? This full moon is an opportunity to release limiting beliefs so that you can find your inner strength and shine brightly. You deserve to be treated well, and it's not something you should wait for. If you find yourself compromising on your timeline for someone else, you may want to reconsider this relationship. Prioritise your well-being and stand firm in what you value and believe. Your soul is craving adventure and stimulation this month. This may mean journeying to a foreign place in the world, or a foreign place within yourself. Embrace the call of exploration and soak up all the lessons along the way. The final full moon at the end of the month is a time to clear your throat chakra. Use your voice to communicate your intentions and desires. Whether you speak affirmations aloud or journal your aspirations, both are powerful ways to manifest your dreams into reality.


This month is all about relationships. It is not a time to chase or cling. It is a time to attract. The first full moon is in your sign. You are reclaiming your power. You are a brilliant thinker but sometimes your mind travels at lightning speed and you can feel very ungrounded. Take a moment to let the mental chitter chatter quieten down. Write down any thoughts, concerns, or worries you have on paper and leave it to the side. Close your eyes and listen to the whispers of your heart. During Venus retrograde, audit your relationships. Assess which ones feel good, need repair, or should be left behind. If past relationship issues resurface, instead of falling into old habits, use this time to rewrite your story. Remember that anytime you feel rejected, you are simply being protected and redirected toward something better. You deserve relationships of the highest quality and you need to ensure you are not settling for less. The later phase of the month calls for a deeper sense of intimacy both with others and yourself. Are there certain shifts you can make in your routine so that intimacy can be prioritised? The final full moon is a good time to work with the energy of abundance and prosperity. What are you grateful for in your life? Acknowledge your blessings and open space for more. 


This month is a beautiful time to hit the reset button. Find new habits to support your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Start auditing your life. When do you feel uplifted? When do you feel drained? As you evolve, your lifestyle and relationships must evolve too and this month brings clarity to what is no longer working, where you may have been self-sabotaging, and what needs to change. Under the first full moon of the month, embrace your unique vision for the future. Let go of any external expectations or societal pressures. Tune into your Soul for guidance and answers. Write yourself a permission slip to live life on your own terms and start taking action accordingly. The end of the month highlights your relationships. You may need to have important conversations with people you love. Use your words carefully as Mercury retrograde can cause confusion in communication. The powerful Pisces full moon at the end of the month brings intense emotions and a strengthened spiritual connection. If you feel like you need support, call upon your spirit team, guides, and angels. Whatever is happening in your life, you are being asked to surrender and trust in the greater plan of the Universe. Have faith that everything is unfolding as it should and you are exactly where you are meant to be.

Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
Hannah specialises in Soul Psychology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology.

Hannah Crerar

Hannah specialises in Soul Psychology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology


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