August horoscope by Hannah Crerar



A month full of passion, dedication and radical honesty with oneself. The world is hungry for authenticity so allow yourself to be seen in all your uncensored glory. As you go, put in place the correct systems that protect your energy and allow you to channel your life force in ways that feel purposeful and uplifting to your Soul.


Key dates:

8th August - Lions gate

As the star Sirius rises - the veil between the physical and spiritual world is very thin. It’s a time to connect with those in the spirit realm and open up the channels for abundance, luck and good fortune.

9th August - New moon in Leo

A perfect time to set intentions that centre around you. What does a perfect day look and feel like for you? Allow yourself to imagine all the details and write it out as if it’s already happened. Meditate on it all coming into existence and feel the immense waves of gratitude wash over you ….

19th August - Uranus retrograde in August

What changes and breakthroughs have occurred since 2020 as it relates to politics, financial institutions, climate change and racial justice? It’s a time to review the progress that has been made while also holding a vision that things can get better in the world. You will need to make decisions that ask you to honour your individual sovereignty.

23rd August Full moon in Aquarius

One last time to consider your freedom as an individual. Embracing and pursuing your authentic truth is the only way forward. The collective is only as strong as the individuals within it. Rise to meet your own standards.


As the month begins, you welcome a few extra pairs of eyes on you. There is a boost is your self confidence so you can handle the extra attention. Your moods will fluctuate over the next few weeks. Don’t try to tame your passions as they will fuel your creations. Express how you feel as you go. In the later parts of the month, you get down to business and there are some decisions that require you to be savvy, sharp and clear headed. The relationship between you and your wider community has been in transition since last year. There will be some defining moments for you at the end of the month as it relates to the networks you wish to nurture and the ones you want to release.


Communication with loved ones is important right now. In little and big ways, show that you care and you are willing to be open hearted and vulnerable. Your vulnerability fertilises the soil of your relationships, so allow your walls to soften. Over the course of the month you’ll desire intellectual stimulation so surround yourself with people or materials that get you thinking. Some bigger questions around career become evident later in the month. These are questions you’ve had swirling over you for a while. How are you innovating and moving the needle forward? What’s your zone of genius? Take the action to celebrate and liberate your gifts on the larger world stage.


Your message is ready to be heard. Share it with dignity, pride and no more hiding behind excuses. Over time your message will mature, but there will be no opportunity for refinement if it is not given air time in it’s infancy. What if your underlying fear was your own liberation? This month is also a time to tend to your home. Use energy cleansing rituals so that your place of rest feels like a sanctuary. There is a spiritual pursuit on the horizon. Pay attention to mentors or healers that may land on your path. Reflect on a year ago and all that has changed. What small seeds have grown roots? Don’t overlook the shifts that have occurred, for they are paving the path for what is to come.


What does it mean to live an abundant life? Remember, those with a grateful heart, live a truly rich life. As the month begins, you are encouraged to tap into the energy of gratitude. You will notice miracles quickly beginning to multiply before your eyes. There are many lucrative opportunities and surprising gifts in the wings, but your nervous system needs to be open to receiving them. Your communication style is also something to focus on. You must be deliberate and clear as you connect with people in your inner circle. Your words hold power so clarify your own intentions before sharing. What you say is not nearly as important as how you say it.


It’s that time of the year - that is yours. Let yourself be heard, felt and seen. Your warmth, generosity and magnetic presence is needed. So shine the light on yourself and let others shower you with love. Your sense of self esteem may waiver a little as the month progresses so remind yourself of your values and take action that illustrates you honour the being within. Relationship dynamics are interesting and some familiar patterns show up later in the month. Is there a final piece of healing that needs to take place? Who and what do you truly align with? Who and what is a clear no? Plant the seeds of intention under the new moon and you’ll reap the rewards.


Your inner knowings are becoming louder and clearer. What does your soul wish for you to hear? How can you make space for your intuitive messages to really arrive. Time spent journalling, meditating and enjoying nature will shine light on all that has not yet been said, but has truly been felt. When you do this inner work, you will uncover newfound strength so that you can stand tall and proud in your truth. You will need to own your power and stand up for what you believe in later in the month. Consider any little rituals or routines you committed to within the last year that may still be relevant today. If you fell off the bandwagon, dust yourself off and commit again.


How much do you allow yourself to dream? And how much do you allow yourself to take action on those dreams? To live out your dharma, you must strike the balance between dreaming of what is possible, and actually putting in the groundwork to bring it into reality. Vision PLUS action is required of you. Release control over knowing how every detail will map out. Simply take daily aligned action and surrender to the surprises that lay before you. You will encounter very interesting people on your path this month. Notice your networks expanding but ensure you are not swept up in constantly doing things for others. Your own work and creations must be prioritised.


How are you are feeling within your work life and working relationships? If you feel like you’ve been running on a hamster wheel, or that your boundaries have been trespassed, take the opportunity to zoom out and clarify your goals and priorities. Don’t be afraid to express your needs. You are blessed with strong communication skills this month so speak directly to the matters begging for your attention. You may find you need to approach family matters with the same energy later in the month. Clear the clutter and anything that threatens your inner peace. Treat yourself how you want others to treat you as this provides the foundation for positive change.


If you have felt a little lost on your path, relax as you are being guided back on track this month. Perhaps you hold the vision of where you want to go, but life events or unexpected twists have veered you off course. You can expect spiritual practices or mentors to show up at just the right time that will help you to connect the dots on your Soul’s journey. Be deliberate with the work you dedicate yourself to. You will experience waves of enthusiasm and drive so that you can make some real change. It is all in support of your own evolution. At the end of the month, cut cords with those that deplete your energy. Your community needs to be willing to grow alongside you.


It is time to let yourself explore more of the shadows and the parts of you that are less than “perfect.” You’ll receive new insights when you carve out the space to look inward. You must be willing and brave enough to share parts of your story with those you care about. The message does not need to be neat and tidy, it just needs to ring true to you. When you share, you lighten the load, and in the process give others permission to do the same. Your self worth is on the precipice of strengthening, so if your ego goes into a spiral of self doubt, acknowledge it but then prove it wrong by stepping forth into the unknown. As you mature, your edges soften and this is all part of the process.


This month be curious about your relationships, your sexuality and your emotional entanglements with others. Who are you in relationships? Where do you end and where do others begin? You know how to connect deeply with others, but ensure you have not lost connection with your core self. Do what you need to find that connection within as it will allow everything else in your life to flourish. Lessons from last year are resurfacing relating to your personal identity and what you stand for. Be creative and let a new version of you be birthed into the world. What does this next iteration look like? Write it out, feel into it, and let the full moon cleanse all that belongs to the past.


Your internal programming is experiencing a makeover this year. Reflect on how much has changed in the space of a few months. Rewiring the internal world takes effort and it’s vital you acknowledge the grit you have possessed. Diving deep within can feel overwhelming, but remember as a Pisces, you are the fish and underwater is your territory. Your physical body needs tending this month so give it all the heathy nourishment it desires. Consider the content, people and conversations you are consuming on a day to day basis as this can influence how you feel in your body. Your relationships are a wonderful support system, so lean on loved ones if you need to.


Horoscope by Hannah Crerar

Image by Doan Ly via Pinterest

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