2023 Astrology Forecast


2023 brings a fresh and zesty flavour. There are some big astrological transits that signal new beginnings, new opportunities, and new ideas. You can think of 2023 as one big makeover for society. 

In the wake of 2020 and the relentless global changes that have ensued, our nervous systems can feel a little frazzled. You may be suspicious of what 2023 really has in store…

Of course, there will be challenges along the way, and your mind and body will certainly be busy, but if you can stay true to your values, and prioritise your own joy, 2023 can be a year of serious growth and abundance.


The year begins with a reflective tone as Mars and Mercury are both retrograde. You will benefit from reviewing your visions and goals for the year as well as the motivations behind them. Don’t force this to be a speedy process. You may like to spend the first few weeks journalling and gaining clarity on your own thoughts and feelings. As you identify what is truly important, you set a strong foundation for your 2023 visions to come to life.


This month brings more forward momentum. Your head will feel clearer and you will feel empowered to take action on your dreams. The new moon in Pisces at the end of the month is strongly influenced by Saturn, the planet of discipline. Whilst a new moon is a beautiful opportunity to set intentions, you may be tested or experience some kind of limitation. Saturn wants you to work for what you want, so be willing to put in the grunt work.


If there is one month to pay attention to in 2023, it’s this one. It is all about reinvention and revolution on a large scale.

Saturn shifts into Pisces where it will stay for nearly 3 years. During this transit, you will be learning all about healthy boundaries. Consider what boundaries you need to implement within your relationships, as well as what boundaries you need to implement with yourself as it relates to any escapist or numbing habits you have. This transit brings big spiritual lessons to light, so note down any “ah-ha” moments you have, as well as any signs you see in nature, or messages you receive in your dreams.

Pluto shifts into Aquarius for a few months and gives us a glimpse into the changes that will really start to happen in 2024 when Pluto begins its 20-year transit there. Pluto transforms what it touches and in the sign of Aquarius, it will bring about major technological advancements and will highlight humanitarian issues. During this transit consider what individual sovereignty and personal freedom mean to you.


This month emotions will be running high. Eclipse season has begun which tends to rock our foundations. Change is happening at an accelerated rate and you may find that unexpected shifts happen within your career, relationships, or living arrangements. Though this time period can feel unstable, a window of opportunity is opening for you.

Mercury retrograde happens at the end of the month, so prepare to go a little slower. It is a good time to review any work projects or financial commitments you have. Don’t pressure yourself to make any snap decisions and instead give yourself permission to sleep on it.


The eclipse portal closes early in the month with the full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio. This is a great time to cleanse, purge and release. If you are not willing to cut ties with toxic connections, the universe will create a situation so that you have no choice. Anything brought about during the eclipse is designed to place you on the path that you are meant for. Sometimes this can be uncomfortable, so bring an attitude of acceptance and fearlessness.

Jupiter, the planet of abundance, expansion, and optimism shifts from Aries into Taurus mid-month. This shift can create some wonderful financial opportunities in your life. If you have begun any creative projects earlier in the year, this transit will help you to build momentum. It is a wonderful time to connect with nature and use natural healing remedies.


As we reach the halfway mark of the year we experience the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. It is time to recalibrate your energy, go inward and implement self-nurturing practices. Consider where you can surrender in your life. Can you let yourself be held in the darkness, and in the unknown?

Pluto shifts back into Capricorn for its final stint since 2008. Capricorn represents traditional hierarchies, old governmental structures, and big corporations. These systems have been crumbling before our eyes in recent years and Pluto’s final spin through this sign will create the upheavals and destruction that is needed to build anew. 


In the middle of the month the nodes of the moon shift. This symbolises a shift in the focus of society. For the past 18 months, the North Node has been in Taurus. The focus has been on redefining our values, managing our finances, building a closer relationship with the land, and implementing sustainable practices. These themes remain relevant for the rest of the year, however with the North Node shifting into Aries, we are called to explore our individual power. There will be lots of innovation over the next 18 months. There are new chapters opening, and you need to be brave enough to dive headfirst into them.

Venus retrograde in Leo begins at the end of the month and this is a time to review anything related to love and business. What is triggering you within relationships? How valued do you feel at work? In both business and relationships, are you able to be the most authentic version of yourself? Do you feel you can grow within these containers?


Mercury joins in on the retrograde action this month, alongside Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. With multiple plants retrograde, don’t be surprised if people or lessons from the past appear on the scene. It is a great month to review your work projects, reassess your relationship commitments and your reinvigorate your daily routines and habits. Ensure you are looking after your mental, physical and emotional health across the board.


This month contains some special manifesting power. The full moon in Aries happening early in the month will give you the motivation to complete personal projects and to act with speed. Venus stations direct, offering you some clarity around love and money matters. You must learn to advocate for yourself and build your sense of self-worth. As Mercury becomes visible in the sky, you can use your words as your wand so be conscious of what and how you are communicating because you are creating your future as you speak.


October rattles the foundations. Eclipse season is very much alive and Pluto starts to slow down its speed and acting like a deep and cathartic cleanse. No stone is left unturned. Anything old or outdated will not last so this is the time to spring clean every area of your life.

The new moon solar eclipse in Libra happens in the middle of the month, and you may find your relationships go through unpredictable changes. If you have been compromising your own values or sense of self, this will be highlighted. Conversation is key. Communicate your needs, and know that some relationships are seasonal. Do not linger in spaces your heart knows you have outgrown. Anything that ends or begins suddenly, can cause a shock to the system, but remember these changes are inevitable so work with them rather than against them.

The full moon lunar eclipse at the end of the month is the last one on the Taurus - Scorpio axis, so there will be a sense of completion to the changes that have gone on for you over the past 18 months especially as it relates to your financial health, creative work and learning about what you truly value.


This month brings an action-oriented flavour. If you have felt held back, slowed down, or at the mercy of a lot of uncontrollable events, this month you will regain a sense of power and stability within yourself. You can find resolutions to persistent problems. The new moon in Scorpio will invite new beginnings. Your intuitive senses are heightened and you will feel a spike in your desires, passions, and sensitivities. Drop into your body instead of spending too much time in your head. Your body contains so much wisdom.


Mercury retrograde places a final bow around the year and it is a perfect opportunity to look over the past 12 months, your amazing accomplishments, and the adventures you’ve been on. This reflective period lasts until the very end of the month when Jupiter stations direct setting the stage for an abundant 2024. 

Truly take a moment to pause, reflect and celebrate all the new energy you have invited into your life, the transformations you have seen within yourself and the world at large.

Go forward with love

As 2022 comes to a close, you may like to spend some time meditating or journaling about the qualities or feelings you wish to experience in the new year. Just as these astrological shifts can influence your life, so too can your own personal intentions. So spend some time connecting with your heart, close your eyes, take some deep breaths and commit to creating something magical in 2023. 

Hannah is an Astrology and Human Design Reader, Yoga + Meditation teacher and founder of Hannah Soul Psychology.

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Hannah Crerar

Hannah specialises in Soul Psychology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology


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