Dyson supersonic hairdryer & flyaway attachment
Navigating in the ‘world of stuff’ can be both exhausting and very expensive, here at Sauce, we decided to independently select and test products for honest reviews.
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About the brand :
Since its debut in 2016, Dyson’s Supersonic Hair Dryer has proven it can outperform most hair styling tools within this space. If you’re new to this hair styling tool, let me just say this blow dryer is a game-changer in the haircare dept. The brand’s first-ever foray into the beauty world was disruptive in every way possible: powerful digital motor, magnetic attachments, and clever heat control (with, of course, a price tag to match it).
First impression :
Last month, Dyson released a Flyaway attachment for its Supersonic Hair Dryer. With a team of engineers and hair pioneers, the brand’s latest innovative product uses clever technologies to tame the hair flyaways and add shine while preserving the integrity of our hair.
The review :
My hair is thick, coarse, and wavy. I normally avoid making any plans on hair wash day because it takes a day for my (Monica-Gellar-in-Barbados) hair to settle and behave itself. But on days when I have a bit of time up my sleeve, I style it using the Supersonic and then run an iron to give it that slick finish. I get the finish, but here is the catch—I also lose the bounce that you get from a blow-dry!
Enter, the Flyaway attachment.
At first glance, I was surprised at how small the attachment is. I expected it to be big and bulky for it to be effective enough to do what it claims. However, it is small and lightweight. It only takes me an additional minute or two to tame my flyaways and give my hair a salon-like finish. I use a flat bristle brush to direct my hair and it’s effortless. Sometimes, I also use this attachment on second daycare to give it a bit of bounce and life.
It’s been really hard to fault Supersonic, and the Flyaway gives consumers another reason to purchase the Supersonic if they haven't already. The technology, design, and innovation is pretty much in its own league.
The final verdict
I rate — (A)
The big question: is it worth getting the Flyaway? Absolutely, if you already own the Supersonic, to me that’s a no brainer. The new attachment is going to make the process of giving yourself a sleek finish 1000x times faster. As for the Supersonic itself, yes, it's a heavy price tag of $649 BUT does it outshine other blow dryers? Yes. And yes.
(A) It changed my life — will buy it again and again.
(B) It’s not groundbreaking since it does the job I’m happy to continue using until I find a better alternative.
(C) It’s not bad but I’ll only consider using if someone gives it to me free of charge
(D) Thanks but no thanks, this product is just not for me.